Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man tdomcmd

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man tdomcmd

tdom(n) tdom(n)


tdom - tdom is an expat parser object extension to create an in-memory

DOM tree from the input while parsing.


package require tdom set parser [expat]

tdom $parser enable


tdom adds the C handler set "tdom" to an tcl expat parser obj. This

handler set builds an in-memory DOM tree out of the input, parsed by

the parser. A DOM tree created this way behave exactly like a DOM tree created by the "dom" command (see there). In fact, tdom is only another interface to the same functionality; it uses the code behind the ddoomm code for building the DOM tree. ttddoomm parserObj eennaabbllee Adds the tdom C handler set to a Tcl expat parser object. Next

time, the parser parses input, the tdom C handler functions cre-

ate an in-memory DOM tree.

ttddoomm parserObj ggeettddoocc Returns the DOM tree as domDoc (see there) object. ttddoomm parserObj sseettRReessuullttEEnnccooddiinngg See the method sseettRReessuullttEEnnccooddiinngg of the ddoomm command. ttddoomm parserObj sseettSSttoorreeLLiinneeCCoolluummnn ??boolean?? See the method sseettSSttoorreeLLiinneeCCoolluummnn of the ddoomm command. ttddoomm parserObj rreemmoovvee Removes the tdom C handler set from the parser object. ttddoomm parserObj kkeeeeppEEmmppttiieess

See the option -kkeeeeppEEmmppttiieess of the ddoomm command.

ttddoomm parserObj sseettEExxtteerrnnaallEEnnttiittyyRReessoollvveerr script


dom, expat KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS DOM, SAX, C handler set Tcl tdom(n)

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