tab2space - Utility to expand tabs and ensure consistent line endings
ttaabb22ssppaaccee [options] [infile [outfile]] ...DESCRIPTION
tab2space expands tab characters into a specific number of spaces. It
also normalizes line endings into a single format. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-hheellpp oorr -hh display this help message
-ddooss oorr -ccrrllff set line ends to CRLF (PC-DOS/Windows - default)
-mmaacc oorr -ccrr set line ends to CR (classic Mac OS)
-uunniixx oorr -llff set line ends to LF (Unix / Mac OS X)
-ttaabbss preserve tabs, e.g. for Makefile
> set tabs to (default is 4) spaces SEE ALSO
HTML Tidy Project Page at AUTHOR Dave RaggettFebruary 6, 2003 TAB2SPACE(1)