ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr - reports system hardware and software configuration.
ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr [-uussaaggee]
ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr [-lliissttDDaattaaTTyyppeess]
ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr [-xxmmll] dataType1 ... dataTypeN
ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr [-xxmmll] [-ddeettaaiillLLeevveell level]
ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr reports on the hardware and software configuration of the system. It can generate plain text reports or XML reports which can be opened with ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr is a replacement for /usr/sbin/AppleSystemProfiler. Unlike that earlier tool ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr does not rely on AppleScript or the Window Server and can be reliably used over a remote connection. The following options are available:-xxmmll Generates a report in XML format. If the XML report
is redirected to a file with a ".spx" suffix that file can be opened with System Lists the available datatypes.
-ddeettaaiillLLeevveell level Specifies the level of detail for the report:
mini report with no personal information basic basic hardware and network information full all available information-uussaaggee Prints usage info and examples.
EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr Generates a text report with the standard detail level.ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr -detailLevel mini
Generates a short report containing no personal information.ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr -listDataTypes
Shows a list of the available data types. ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr SPSoftwareDataType SPNetworkDataType Generates a text report containing only software and network data.ssyysstteemmpprrooffiilleerr -xml > MyReport.spx
Creates a XML file which can be opened by System AUTHORS Apple Computer, Inc. Darwin June 30, 2003 Darwin