sswwvveerrss - print Mac OS X operating system version information
sswwvveerrsssswwvveerrss -productName
sswwvveerrss -productVersion
sswwvveerrss -buildVersion
sswwvveerrss prints version information about the Mac OS X or Mac OS X Server operating system running on the local machine. When executed with no options sswwvveerrss prints a short list of version properties:% swvers
ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.3 BuildVersion: 7A100 The ProductName property provides the name of the operating system release (typically either "Mac OS X" or "Mac OS X Server"). The ProductVersion property defines the version of the operating system release (for example, "10.2.4" or "10.3"). The BuildVersion property provides the specific revision of the operating system as generated by the Mac OS X build system. OOPPTTIIOONNSS The output of sswwvveerrss can be refined by the following options.-pprroodduuccttNNaammee Print just the value of the ProductName property.
-pprroodduuccttVVeerrssiioonn Print just the value of the ProductVersion property.
-bbuuiillddVVeerrssiioonn Print just the value of the BuildVersion property.
EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS% swvers -productName
Mac OS X% swvers -productVersion
10.3% swvers -buildVersion
7A100 FILES /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist /System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist Mac OS X March 10, 2003 Mac OS X