Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man stackshot

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man stackshot

stackshot(1) BSD General Commands Manual stackshot(1)


ssttaacckksshhoott - capture user and kernel space stack traces, using a kernel

stack trace facility


ssttaacckksshhoott [-DD] [-ii] [-ff path] [-nn number] [-pp pid] [-BB size]


The ssttaacckksshhoott daemon is used to capture stack traces for each thread on

the system; this includes both user space and kernel stacks. The result-

ing view of the system is consistent. Stack pages that are paged out are

not captured-this caveat does not apply to kernel space stacks, which

are wired. The stack snapshot is triggered upon pressing a special key

chord; this is currently Control-Option-Command-Shift-Period

The daemon also triggers a stack snapshot upon reception of the SIGINFO signal. The following options are available:

-DD Turn on debugging.

-ii Do an immediate snapshot, and exit.

-ff path Output the log information to the specified path. This

supercedes any preference configuration (see below).

-nn number

Limit the number of snapshots taken; the default is 1.

-pp pid Log the stack information for the specified process-ID only.

-BB size Specify the size of the trace buffer; the default is 52 kilo-


-tt Attempt symbolication. Currently, this starts up a separate sym-

bolicator thread, and signals that thread to begin symbolication

using atos(1) when a snapshot is triggered. The current imple-

mentation may take several seconds to perform the address-symbol

translations, depending on the state of the system. The symboli-

cated trace file is appended to:



Symbolication (as with the -t option, or the symstacks.rb script

described below) is performed against the currently executing process

images, which may have been either fully or partially stripped of debug-

ging symbols. Additionally, kernel stacks are symbolicated against /machkernel, which typically has all local and debugging symbols

stripped (as with "strip -S -x"). In either case, symbol matching may not

always be accurate. If in doubt, you may run the unstripped executable images, or symbolicate the trace file directly against the unstripped images using an alternate mechanism, such as gdb. The symstacks.rb script

(see below) can take a "-k" argument, which specifies the location of an

alternate kernel image to symbolicate with-this can be an unstripped

kernel image. When filing bug reports, it is best to include both the

trace file ("stackshot.log") and the symbolicated trace ("stackshot-

syms.log"). NNOOTTEESS

The ssttaacckksshhoott daemon is intended to be run by the launchd(8) super-dae-

mon. It reads configuration information from

~root/Library/Preferences/ The keys it looks

for are Trace File Specifies the file to use. The default is


Trace Server A dictionary containing ``Host'' (as a string) and ``Port'' (as an integer) keys, for a server. If both a file and server are specified, ssttaacckksshhoott will attempt to use both. The server is expected to do nothing other than accept a connection, accept a stream of data, and write it to a file of its choosing. Buffer Size Specifies the size of the trace buffer. FILES


Preference file used for configuration informa-



Configuration file used by launchd(8). /usr/sbin/symstacks.rb ruby(1) script to process the output of ssttaacckksshhoott and turn symbol addresses into symbol names. It reads a ssttaacckksshhoott trace file from standard input

or a file specified with "-f" , and writes the

symbolicated version to standard output, or to a

file specified with "-w". See caveats above

regarding accuracy of symbolication against

stripped images. The "-k" argument to the script

can specify the location of a kernel image, which

will be used for symbolication. The "-s" argument

forces the script to symbolicate kernel stacks alone, which can be useful in conjunction with

the "-k" argument to symbolicate kernel stacks on

systems which differ from the one which generated

the trace file. Note that symbolication is per-

formed against currently running process images, so the script must be executed on the same (or identical) system for accuracy, and any processes of interest must be currently executing.




Certain types of deadlocks (especially driver/kernel level deadlocks) may

prevent triggering ssttaacckksshhoott when the hot-key combination is pressed.

Depending upon the type of deadlock, there may be issues accessing the filesystem and/or network, preventing publication of the data once the traces are gathered. The daemon makes a minimal effort to ensure that the log file has space allocated, and does no processing afterwards. The aforementioned ruby(1) script can be used to translate addresses to symbols. It is up to the

user to examine the file (and perhaps send it off to someone for debug-

ging) afterwards. The symbolication is not perfect, and may benefit from human scrutiny or


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