Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man srm

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man srm

SRM(1) SRM(1)


srm - securely remove files or directories


ssrrmm [OPTION]... FILE...


ssrrmm removes each specified file by overwriting, renaming, and truncat-

ing it before unlinking. This prevents other people from undeleting or recovering any information about the file from the command line. ssrrmm, like every program that uses the getopt function to parse its

arguments, lets you use the - option to indicate that all following

arguments are non-options. To remove a file called '-f' in the current

directory, you could type either "srm - -f" or "srm ./-f".


-dd, --ddiirreeccttoorryy

ignored (for compatibility with rrmm((11)))

-ff, --ffoorrccee

ignore nonexistent files, never prompt

-ii, --iinntteerraaccttiivvee

prompt before any removal

-rr, -RR, --rreeccuurrssiivvee

remove the contents of directories recursively

-ss, --ssiimmppllee

only overwrite with a single pass of random data

-mm, --mmeeddiiuumm

overwrite the file with 7 US DoD compliant passes (0xF6, 0x00, 0xFF, random, 0x00, 0xFF, random)

-zz, --zzeerroo

after overwriting, zero blocks used by file

-nn, --nnoouunnlliinnkk

overwrite file, but do not rename or unlink it

-vv, --vveerrbboossee

explain what is being done

--hheellpp display this help and exit


output version information and exit NNOOTTEESS

ssrrmm can not remove write protected files owned by another user, regard-

less of the permissions on the directory containing the file.

The -ss option overrides the -mm option, if both are present. If neither

is specified, the 35-pass Gutmann algorithm is used.

Development and discussion of ssrrmm is carried out at>, which is also accessible via



rrmm((11)) Mac OS X 20 September 2004 SRM(1)

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