ssooffttwwaarreeuuppddaattee - system software update tool
ssooffttwwaarreeuuppddaattee command [args ...]DESCRIPTION
Software Update checks for new and updated versions of your software based on information about your computer and current software. Invoke ssooffttwwaarreeuuppddaattee by specifying a command followed by zero or more args. The following modes are available:-ll | --lliisstt
List all available updates.-dd | --ddoowwnnllooaadd
-ii | --iinnssttaallll
Each update specified by args is downloaded and unarchived, and also installed. The install flag requires root. args can be one of the following: item ... One or more update names.-a | -all All appropriate updates.
-r | -req All required updates.
--iiggnnoorree ...
Manages the per-user list of ignored updates.
Clears the list of all ignored updates.--sscchheedduullee Manages the per-user scheduler preferences. args should be
one of the following words: on | off Enable or disable automatic checking.-hh | --hheellpp
Print command usage. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS The following examples are shown as given to the shell:softwareupdate -list
* iPhoto-2.0
iPhoto, 2.0, 34100K [recommended]* iSync-1.0
iSync, 1.0, 4840K [recommended]* StuffItExpander7-7.0
StuffIt Expander Security Update, 7.0, 4420K [recommended]- iCal-1.0.2
iCal, 1.0.2, 6520K* AirPortSW-4.1
AirPort Software, 4.1, 13880K [recommended] [restart]softwareupdate -install iCal-1.0.2
Software Update ToolCopyright 2002-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
Installing iCal: 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 Done.softwareupdate -ignore iCal iPhoto
Ignored updates: (iPod, SafariUpdate)softwareupdate -schedule
Automatic check is on ENVIRONMENT COMMANDLINEINSTALL Set when downloading or installing using the ssooffttwwaarreeuuppddaattee command. Scripts can check for the existence of this variable to determine if they are executing in a command line environment (i.e. there may be no WindowServer available). FILES/usr/sbin/softwareupdate Software Update tool
Darwin March 30, 2003 Darwin