Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sockatmark

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sockatmark

SOCKATMARK(3) BSD Library Functions Manual SOCKATMARK(3)


ssoocckkaattmmaarrkk - determine whether the read pointer is at the OOB mark


Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


##iinncclluuddee <>

int ssoocckkaattmmaarrkk(int s);


To find out if the read pointer is currently pointing at the mark in the data stream, the ssoocckkaattmmaarrkk() function is provided. If ssoocckkaattmmaarrkk() returns 1, the next read will return data after the mark. Otherwise (assuming out of band data has arrived), the next read will provide data sent by the client prior to transmission of the out of band signal. The routine used in the remote login process to flush output on receipt of an interrupt or quit signal is shown below. It reads the normal data up to

the mark (to discard it), then reads the out-of-band byte.


... oob() { int out = FWRITE, mark; char waste[BUFSIZ]; /* flush local terminal output */ ioctl(1, TIOCFLUSH, (char *)&out); for (;;) {

if ((mark = sockatmark(rem)) < 0) {


break; } if (mark) break; (void) read(rem, waste, sizeof (waste)); } if (recv(rem, &mark, 1, MSGOOB) < 0) { perror("recv"); ... } ... }


Upon successful completion, the ssoocckkaattmmaarrkk() function returns the value 1

if the read pointer is pointing at the OOB mark, 0 if it is not. Other-

wise, the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to

indicate the error. EERRRROORRSS The ssoocckkaattmmaarrkk() call fails if: [EBADF] The s argument is not a valid descriptor. [ENOTTY] The s argument is a descriptor for a file, not a socket.


recv(2), send(2) HISTORY

The ssoocckkaattmmaarrkk() function was introduced by IEEE Std 1003.1-2001

(``POSIX.1''), to standardize the historical SIOCATMARK ioctl(2). The ENOTTY error instead of the usual ENOTSOCK is to match the historical behavior of SIOCATMARK. BSD October 13, 2002 BSD

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