Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man snmpcmd

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man snmpcmd



snmpcmd - options and behaviour common to most of the Net-SNMP command-

line tools




This manual page describes the common options for the SNMP commands:

ssnnmmppbbuullkkggeett, ssnnmmppbbuullkkwwaallkk, ssnnmmppddeellttaa, ssnnmmppggeett, ssnnmmppggeettnneexxtt, ssnnmmppnneett-

ssttaatt, ssnnmmppsseett, ssnnmmppssttaattuuss, ssnnmmppttaabbllee, ssnnmmpptteesstt, ssnnmmppttrraapp, ssnnmmppddff, ssnnmm-

ppuussmm , ssnnmmppwwaallkk . The command line applications use the SNMP protocol

to communicate with an SNMP capable network entity, an agent. Individ-

ual applications typically (but not necessarily) take additional param-

eters that are given after the agent specification. These parameters are documented in the manual pages for each application. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-33[[MMmmKKkk]] 00xxHHEEXXKKEEYY

Sets the keys to be used for SNMPv3 transactions. These options allow you to set the master authentication and encryption keys

(-3m and -3M respectively) or set the localized authentication

and encryption keys (-3k and -3K respectively). SNMPv3 keys can

be either passed in by hand using these flags, or by the use of

keys generated from passwords using the -A and -X flags dis-

cussed below. For further details on SNMPv3 and it's usage of

keying information, see the Net-SNMP tutorial web site ( ). See the

snmp.conf manual page on the defAuthMasterKey and related tokens for more information as well.

-aa authProtocol

Set the authentication protocol (MD5|SHA) used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. Overrides the defAuthType token in the snmp.conf file.

-AA authPassword

Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. Overrides the defAuthPassphrase token in the snmp.conf file. It is insecure to specify pass phrases on the command line, see snmp.conf(5).

-cc community

Set the community string for SNMPv1/v2c transactions. Overrides the defcommunity token in the snmp.conf file.

-dd Dump (in hexadecimal) the sent and received SNMP packets.

-DD TOKEN[,...]

Turn on debugging output for the given TOKEN(s). Try ALL for extremely verbose output.

-ee engineID

Set the authoritative (security) engineID used for SNMPv3 REQUEST messages. It is typically not necessary to specify this, as it will usually be discovered automatically.

-EE engineID

Set the context engineID used for SNMPv3 REQUEST messages scope-

dPdu. If not specified, this will default to the authoritative engineID.

-hh,, --hheellpp

Display a brief usage message and then exit.

-HH Display a list of configuration file directives understood by

the command and then exit.

-II [brRhu]

Specifies input parsing options. See IINNPPUUTT OOPPTTIIOONNSS below.

-ll secLevel

Set the securityLevel used for SNMPv3 messages (noAuthNo-

Priv|authNoPriv|authPriv). Appropriate pass phrase(s) must pro-

vided when using any level higher than noAuthNoPriv. Overrides the defSecurityLevel token in the snmp.conf file.

-LL [eEfFoOsS]

Specifies output logging options. See LLOOGGGGIINNGG OOPPTTIIOONNSS below.


Specifies a colon separated list of MIB modules (not files) to

load for this application. This overrides the environment vari-

able MIBS. The special keyword ALL is used to specify all modules in all directories when searching for MIB files. Every file whose name does not begin with "." will be parsed as if it were a MIB file. If the MIBLIST has a leading '+', then the listed MIB modules

are loaded in addition to MIB modules specified in the environ-

ment variable MIBS.

If a mibfile token is specified in the snmp.conf file, the -m

MIB option overrides the mibfile token.


Specifies a colon separated list of directories to search for MIBs. This overrides the environment variable MIBDIRS. If DIRLIST has a leading '+', then the given directories are added to the list of MIB directories. Without the leading '+', the given directory list overrides the list specified with the environment variable MIBDIRS. Note that the directories listed at the end of the list have precedence over directories at the beginning of the list. If no value is specified for the environment variable MIBDIRS, then the command will still search a default mib directory,

after it searches the MIB directories specified on the -M

option. The default directory is /usr/share/snmp/mibs. To avoid having a default mib directory searched, set the MIBDIRS environment variable to "". Even if the default MIB directory

is searched, the directories specified in the -M option have

precedence in the search order over the default directory.

If the -M option is specified and either a mibfile or mibdirs

token is also specified in the snmp.conf file, the directories

in the -M option have precedence in the MIB search order, over

the directories set with both the mibdirs token and the mibfile token.

-nn contextName

Set the destination contextName used for SNMPv3 messages. The

default contextName is the empty string "". Overrides the def-

Context token in the snmp.conf file.

-OO [abeEfnqQsStTuUvxX]

Specifies output printing options. See OOUUTTPPUUTT OOPPTTIIOONNSS below.

-PP [cdeRuwW]

Specifies MIB parsing options. See MMIIBB PPAARRSSIINNGG OOPPTTIIOONNSS below.

-rr retries

Specifies the number of retries to be used in the requests. The default is 5.

-tt timeout

Specifies the timeout in seconds between retries. The default is 1.

-uu secName

Set the securityName used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. Overrides the defSecurityName token in the snmp.conf file.

-vv 1 | 2c | 3

Specifies the protocol version to use: 1 (RFCs 1155-1157), 2c

(RFCs 1901-1908), or 3 (RFCs 2571-2574). The default is typi-

cally version 3. This option overrides the defVersion token in the snmp.conf file.

-VV,, --vveerrssiioonn

Display version information for the application and then exit.

-xx privProtocol

Set the privacy protocol (DES) used for encrypted SNMPv3 mes-


-XX privPassword

Set the privacy pass phrase used for encrypted SNMPv3 messages. Overrides the defPrivPassphrase token in the snmp.conf file. It is insecure to specify pass phrases on the command line, see snmp.conf(5).

-ZZ boots,time

Set the engineBoots and engineTime used for authenticated SNMPv3 messages. This will initialize the local notion of the agents boots/time with an authenticated value stored in the LCD. It is typically not necessary to specify this option, as these values will usually be discovered automatically. AAGGEENNTT SSPPEECCIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN

h srn AET n h SYNOPSIS aoe pcfe te eoe NP niy

with which to communicate. This specification takes the form:


At its simplest, the AGENT specification may consist of a hostname, or an IPv4 address in the standard "dotted quad" notation. In this case, communication will be attempted using UDP/IPv4 to port 161 of the given

host. Otherwise, the part of the specification is

parsed according to the following table:

<> <> ffoorrmmaatt

udp hostname[:port] or IPv4-address[:port]

tcp hostname[:port] or IPv4-address[:port]

unix pathname ipx [network]:node[/port] aal5pvc or pvc [interface.][VPI.]VCI

udp6 or udpv6 or udpipv6 hostname[:port] or IPv6-address:port or


tcp6 or tcpv6 or tcpipv6 hostname[:port] or IPv6-address:port or


Note that strings are case-insensitive so that,

for example, "tcp" and "TCP" are equivalent. Here are some examples, along with their interpretation:

hostname:161 perform query using UDP/IPv4 datagrams to host-

name on port 161. The ":161" is redundant here since that is the default SNMP port in any case. udp:hostname identical to the previous specification. The "udp:" is redundant here since UDP/IPv4 is the default transport. TCP:hostname:1161 connect to hostname on port 1161 using TCP/IPv4 and perform query over that connection.

ipx::00D0B7AAE308 perform query using IPX datagrams to node num-

ber 00D0B7AAE308 on the default network, and

using the default IPX port of 36879 (900F hexa-

decimal), as suggested in RFC 1906. ipx:0AE43409:00D0B721C6C0/1161 perform query using IPX datagrams to port 1161 on node number 00D0B721C6C0 on network number 0AE43409.

unix:/tmp/local-agent connect to the Unix domain socket /tmp/local-

agent, and perform the query over that connec-


/tmp/local-agent identical to the previous specification, since

the Unix domain is the default transport iff

the first character of the

is a '/'. AAL5PVC:100 perform the query using AAL5 PDUs sent on the permanent virtual circuit with VPI=0 and VCI=100 (decimal) on the first ATM adapter in the machine. PVC:1.10.32 perform the query using AAL5 PDUs sent on the permanent virtual circuit with VPI=10 (decimal) and VCI=32 (decimal) on the second ATM adapter in the machine. Note that "PVC" is a synonym for "AAL5PVC". udp6:hostname:10161 perform the query using UDP/IPv6 datagrams to port 10161 on hostname (which will be looked up as an AAAA record). UDP6:[fe80::2d0:b7ff:fe21:c6c0] perform the query using UDP/IPv6 datagrams to port 161 at address fe80::2d0:b7ff:fe21:c6c0. tcpipv6:[::1]:1611 connect to port 1611 on the local host (::1 in IPv6 parlance) using TCP/IPv6 and perform query over that connection. Note that not all the transport domains listed above will always be available; for instance, hosts with no IPv6 support will not be able to use udp6 transport addresses, and attempts to do so will result in the

error "Unknown host". Likewise, since AAL5 PVC support is only cur-

rently available on Linux, it will fail with the same error on other platforms. MMIIBB PPAARRSSIINNGG OOPPTTIIOONNSS

The Net-SNMP MIB parser mostly adheres to the Structure of Management

Information (SMI). As that specification has changed through time, and in recognition of the (ahem) diversity in compliance expressed in MIB files, additional options provide more flexibility in reading MIB files.

-PPww Show some warning messages in resolving the MIB files. Can be

also set with the configuration token "mibWarningLevel".

-PPWW Show additional warning messages. Can be also set with the con-

figuration token "mibWarningLevel".

-PPee Show MIB errors. Can be also set with the configuration token

"showMibErrors". An example of an error that would be shown is if an imported module is not found during MIB parsing.

-PPcc Allow ASN.1 comment to extend to the end of the MIB source line

(i.e. disallow the use of "-" to terminate comments). This

overcomes some problems with manually maintained MIB files. Can be also set with the configuration token "strictCommentTerm".

-PPdd Toggles the default of whether or not to save the DESCRIPTIONs

of the MIB objects when parsing. Since the default is to save

the DESCRIPTIONS, specifying -Pd will cause the DESCRIPTIONs not

to be saved during MIB parsing. For example:

snmptranslate -Td -OS -IR system.sysDescr.0

will show a description, while

snmptranslate -Td -OS -IR -Pd system.sysDescr.0

will not show a description. Collecting the DESCRIPTION infor-

mation into the parsed hierarchy increases the memory used by

the size of each DESCRIPTION clause.

-PPuu Allow underline characters in symbols. Can be also set with the

configuration token "mibAllowUnderline".

-PPRR Replace MIB objects using the last read MIB file. The parser

will replace MIB objects in its hierarchy whenever it sees a

sub-identifier and name match. WWAARRNNIINNGG:: Setting this option may

result in an incorrect hierarchy. Can be also set with the con-

figuration token "mibReplaceWithLatest". OOUUTTPPUUTT OOPPTTIIOONNSS Output display can be controlled by passing various parameters to the

-OO flag. The following examples should demonstrate this.

The default output looks as follows:

snmpget -c public -v 1 localhost system.sysUpTime.0

SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

-OOqq Removes the equal sign and type information:

system.sysUpTime.0 1:15:09:27.63

-OOQQ Removes the type information:

system.sysUpTime.0 = 1:15:09:27.63

-OOff Gives you the complete OID: = Timet-

icks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

-OOss Deletes all but the last symbolic part of the OID:

sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

-OOSS A variation on -OOss that adds the name of the MIB that defined

the object:

SNMPv2-MIB::sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day,

15:09:27.63 (from release 5.0, this is now the default output format)

-OOuu Prints the OID in the UCD-style (inherited from the original CMU

code), That means removing a series of "standard" prefixes, if relevant, and breaking down the OID into the displayable pieces. For example, the OID vacmSecruityModel. is broken down by default and the string hidden in the OID is shown. The

result would look like: vacmSecurityModel.0."test". The -Ob

option disables this feature. system.sysUpTime.0 = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

-OOnn Prints the OID numerically:

. = Timeticks: (14096763) 1 day, 15:09:27.63

-OOee Removes the symbolic labels from enumerations:

snmpget -c public -v 1 localhost ip.ipForwarding.0

ip.ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: forwarding(1)

snmpget -c public -v 1 -Oe localhost ip.ipForwarding.0

ip.ipForwarding.0 = INTEGER: 1

-OObb When OIDs contain a index to a table, they are broken into the

displayable pieces and shown to you. For example the OID vacm-

SecurityModel. is nicely broken down by default

and the string hidden in the OID is shown to you as vacmSecuri-

tyModel.0."wes". The -OObb option disables this feature and dis-

plays it as vacmSecurityModel. again.

-OOEE This modifies the index strings to include a \ to escape the

quotes, to allow them to be reused in shell commands, such as vacmSecurityModel.0.\"wes\"

-OOXX This modifies the output of index OIDs, to look more "program

like". Square brackets are placed around each index, and the

DISPLAY-HINT information and string conversions are used to for-

mat each index. If you take an entry from the

IPV6-MIB::ipv6RouteTable, it is indexed with an IPv6 address and

two integers, and if you are used to IPv6 addresses you will know that decimal OIDs are not the preferred notation. Compare:

snmpgetnext -OS host IPV6-MIB:ipv6RouteTable



snmpgetnext -OSX host IPV6-MIB:ipv6RouteTable

IPV6-MIB::ipv6RouteIfIndex[3ffe:100:ff00:0:0:0:0:0][64][1] =


-OOaa If a string-valued object definition does not include a Display

Hint, then the library attempts to determine whether it is an ascii or binary string, and displays the value accordingly. This flag bypasses this check, and displays all strings as ASCII. Note that this does not affect objects that do have a Display Hint.

-OOxx This works similarly to '-Oa', but displays strings as Hex.

-OOTT If hexadecimal code is printed, this will also print any print-

able characters after the hexadecimal codes.

-OOvv Output only the variable value, not the OID:

snmpget -c public -v 1 -Ov localhost ip.ipForwarding.0

INTEGER: forwarding(1)

-OOUU Do not print the UNITS suffix at the end of the value.

-OOtt Output timeticks values as raw numbers:

system.sysUpTime.0 = 14096763 Note that most of these options can be turned on or off by default by tuning the snmp.conf file. See the snmp.conf(5) manual page for details. LLOOGGGGIINNGG OOPPTTIIOONNSS The mechanism and destination to use for logging of warning and error

messages can be controlled by passing various parameters to the -LL


-LLee Log messages to the standard error stream.


Log messages to the specified file.

-LLoo Log messages to the standard output stream.


Log messages via syslog, using the specified facility ('d' for

LOGDAEMON, 'u' for LOGUSER, or '0'-'7' for LOGLOCAL0 through

LOGLOCAL7). There are also "upper case" versions of each of these options, which allow the corresponding logging mechanism to be restricted to certain priorities of message. Using standard error logging as an example:

-LLEE pprrii

will log messages of priority 'pri' and above to standard error.

-LLEE pp11-pp22

will log messages with priority between 'p1' and 'p2' (inclu-

sive) to standard error.

For -LLFF and -LLSS the priority specification comes before the file or

facility token. The priorities recognised are: 00 or !! for LOGEMERG, 11 or aa for LOGALERT, 22 or cc for LOGCRIT, 33 or ee for LOGERR, 44 or ww for LOGWARNING, 55 or nn for LOGNOTICE, 66 or ii for LOGINFO, and 77 or dd for LOGDEBUG. Normal output is (or will be!) logged at a priority level of LLOOGGNNOOTTIICCEE IINNPPUUTT OOPPTTIIOONNSS

The -II flag specifies various options that control how your input to

the program is parsed. By default, all input parsing methods are used:

First the OID is parsed regularly, then -IIRR is used, then -IIbb is used,

unless one of the following flags is specified which will force it to only use one method.

-IIRR The -IIRR flag specifies random access lookup, so that if the

entire OID path is not specified, it will search for a node in the MIB tree with the given name. Normally, you would have to

specify the vacmSecurityModel OID above as



but the use of the -IIRR flag allows you to shorten that to just

vacmSecurityModel.0."wes". (Though this OID really needs to be

quoted - 'vacmSecurityModel.0."wes"' - to prevent the shell from

swallowing the double quotes). Additionally, see the RRAANNDDOOMM AACCCCEESSSS MMIIBBSS section below.

-IIbb The -IIbb flag indicates that the expression you gave it is actu-

ally a regular expression that should be used to search for the best match possible in the MIB tree. This would allow you to specify the node vacmSecurityModel MIB node as something as generic as vacmsecuritymodel (since case insensitive searches

are done) or vacm.*model. Note that multiple matches are obvi-

ously possible (.* matches everything), and the best result is currently calculated as the one that matches the closest to the

beginning of the node name and the highest in the tree. A cur-

rent side effect of this option is that you cannot specify indexes or multiple nodes, since the '.' is treated as part of the regular expression.

-IIuu Use the traditional UCD-style input approach of assuming that

OIDs are rooted at the 'mib-2' point in the tree (unless they

start with an explicit '.') If random access lookup is in effect (which is the default for most commands), then this will only affect OIDs specified with a leading numberic subidentifier

(and no initial '.') Thus an input of "snmpcmd ... 1" would

refer to 'iso' (from v5.0 onwards) while "snmpcmd -Iu ... 1"

would refer to 'system'.

-IIrr By default, indices into tables and values to be assigned to

objects are checked against range and type specified in the MIB.

The -IIrr flag disables this check. This flag is mostly useful

when you are testing an agent. For normal operation it is use-

ful to get your requests checked before they are sent to the remote agent (the diagnostic that the library can provide is also much more precise).

-IIhh By default, the library will use DISPLAY-HINT information when

assigning values. This flag disables this behaviour. The result is that instead of

snmpset localhost HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemDate.0 =


you will have to write

snmpset localhost HOST-RESOURCES-MIB::hrSystemData.0 x "07 D2 0C

0A 02 04 06 08"


Add the specified suffix to each textual OID given on the com-

mand line. It is useful to specify a common index value when

you want to retrieve multiple objects from the same row of a ta-



Add the specified prefix to each textual OID given on the com-

mand line. Useful to specify an explicit MIB module name for all objects being retrieved (or for incurably lazy typists) RRAANNDDOOMM AACCCCEESSSS MMIIBBSS

In previous releases of the UCD-SNMP package (and if using the -IIuu

option), an object identifier such as system.sysDescr.0 will be lookup

in a single "well known" place, built into the SNMP library (or speci-

fied by the PREFIX environment variable). The standard place is: The identifier may alternatively be

a complete object identifier, this is designated by a leading "dot" if

using UCD-input style, and is the first thing tried otherwise. To sim-

plify the specification of object identifiers the library supports ran-

dom access to the identifiers in the MIBs. This is requested by the -IIRR

option to the SNMP applications. Additionally, -OOss prints OIDs in this

manner. Using this, system.sysDescr.0 may also be entered as sysDe-

scr.0. To search only a single MIB for the identifier (if it appears

in more than one), specify it as SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0. (use -OOSS to

print output OIDs in this manner, though this is the default as from v5.0). This notation will also ensure that the specified MIB is loaded,

i.e. it need not be mentioned in the -mm option (or MIBS environment


PREFIX The standard prefix for object identifiers (if using UCD-style

output). Defaults to

MIBS The list of MIBs to load. Defaults to SNMPv2-TC:SNMPv2-MIB:IF-


option. MIBDIRS The list of directories to search for MIBs. Defaults to

/usr/share/snmp/mibs. Overridden by the -MM option.

FILES /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf Agent configuration file. See snmpd.conf(5). /etc/snmp/snmp.conf ~/.snmp/snmp.conf Application configuration files. See snmp.conf(5).


snmpget(1), snmpgetnext(1), snmpset(1), snmpbulkget(1), snmpbulk-

walk(1), snmpwalk(1), snmptable(1), snmpnetstat(1), snmpdelta(1), snmptrap(1), snmpinform(1), snmpusm(1), snmpstatus(1), snmptest(1), snmp.conf(5). 4th Berkeley Distribution 09 Jan 2004 SNMPCMD(1)

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