Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man snmp_sess_api

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man snmp_sess_api



snmpsessinit, snmpsessopen, snmpsesssession, snmpsesssend, snmpsessasyncsend, snmpsessselectinfo, snmpsessread,

snmpsesstimeout, snmpsessclose, snmpsesserror - session functions


##iinncclluuddee <>

vvooiidd ssnnmmppsseessssiinniitt((ssttrruucctt ssnnmmppsseessssiioonn **session));; vvooiidd **ssnnmmppsseessssooppeenn((ssttrruucctt ssnnmmppsseessssiioonn **session));; ssttrruucctt ssnnmmppsseessssiioonn **ssnnmmppsseesssssseessssiioonn((vvooiidd **handle));; iinntt ssnnmmppsseesssssseenndd((vvooiidd **handle,, ssttrruucctt ssnnmmppppdduu **pdu));; iinntt ssnnmmppsseessssaassyynnccsseenndd((vvooiidd **handle,, ssttrruucctt ssnnmmppppdduu **pdu,, ssnnmmppccaallllbbaacckk callback,, vvooiidd **callbackData));; iinntt ssnnmmppsseesssssseelleeccttiinnffoo((vvooiidd **handle,, iinntt **numfds,, ffddsseett **fdset,, ssttrruucctt ttiimmeevvaall **timeout,, iinntt **block));; vvooiidd ssnnmmppsseessssrreeaadd((vvooiidd **handle,, ffddsseett **fdset));; vvooiidd ssnnmmppsseessssttiimmeeoouutt((vvooiidd **handle));; iinntt ssnnmmppsseesssscclloossee((vvooiidd **handle));; vvooiidd ssnnmmppsseesssseerrrroorr((vvooiidd **handle,, iinntt **pcliberr,, iinntt **psnmperr,, cchhaarr ****pperrstring));;


These functions define a subset of the API that can be used to manage

single SNMP sessions in a multi-threaded application. Except for

ssnnmmppsseesssssseessssiioonn(()), these functions are single session versions of the traditional SNMP library API. Note that these functions use an opaque pointer (handle in the above prototypes) to identify a single session in lieu of a session pointer (as in the traditional API). ssnnmmppsseessssiinniitt(()) prepares a struct snmpsession that sources transport characteristics and common information that will be used for a set of SNMP transactions. After this structure is passed to ssnnmmppsseessssooppeenn(()) to create an SNMP session, the structure is no longer used. Instead the opaque pointer returned by ssnnmmppsseessssooppeenn(()) is used to refer to that session henceforth. SNMP sessions that are created with ssnnmmppsseessssooppeenn(()) are not affected by, and SHOULD NOT BE USED WITH, ssnnmmppsseelleeccttiinnffoo(()), ssnnmmpprreeaadd(()), ssnnmmppttiimmeeoouutt(()) nor ssnnmmppcclloossee(()). Rather the equivalent single session functions described here should be used. ssnnmmppsseessssiinniitt(()) and ssnnmmppsseessssooppeenn(()) each take as input a pointer to a struct snmpsession object. This structure contains information for a set of transactions that will share similar transport characteristics. ssnnmmppsseesssssseessssiioonn(()) takes the opaque session handle and returns a pointer to its associated struct snmpsession. ssnnmmppsseesssssseenndd(()) and ssnnmmppsseessssaassyynnccsseenndd(()) each take a pdu parameter, which points to a struct snmppdu object containing information that describes a transaction that will be performed over an open session. Consult snmpapi.h for the definitions of these structures.

ssnnmmppsseesssssseelleeccttiinnffoo(()), ssnnmmppsseessssrreeaadd(()) and ssnnmmppsseessssttiimmeeoouutt(()) pro-

vide an interface for the use of the sseelleecctt(2) system call so that SNMP transactions for a single session can occur asynchronously. ssnnmmppsseesssssseelleeccttiinnffoo(()) is passed the information that would have been passed to sseelleecctt(2) in the absence of SNMP. For example, this might include file descriptors associated with the main loop of a graphical application. This information is modified so that SNMP will get the service it requires from the call to sseelleecctt(2). In this case, numfds, fdset and timeout correspond to the nfds, readfds and timeout arguments to sseelleecctt(2) respectively. The only exception is that timeout must ALWAYS point to an allocated (but perhaps uninitialized) struct timeval (it cannot be NULL as for sseelleecctt(2)). If timeout would have been passed as NULL, block is instead set to true, and timeout is treated as undefined. This same rule applies upon return from ssnnmmppsseelleeccttiinnffoo(()). After calling ssnnmmppsseesssssseelleeccttiinnffoo(()) ,, sseelleecctt(2) should be called with the returned data. When it returns, ssnnmmppsseessssrreeaadd(()) should then be called with the fdset returned from sseelleecctt(2). This will read any input from this session's SNMP socket. If sseelleecctt(2) times out (that is, it returns zero), ssnnmmppsseessssttiimmeeoouutt(()) should be called to see if a timeout has occurred on the SNMP session. DIAGNOSTICS Error return status from ssnnmmppsseessssooppeenn(()) is indicated by return of a NULL pointer. Error return status from ssnnmmppsseesssscclloossee(()) and ssnnmmppsseesssssseenndd(()) is indicated by a return value of 0. A successful status will return 1. Further information can be obtained by using ssnnmmppsseesssseerrrroorr(()) to see what type of error has occurred. This function returns the SNMP snmperrno variable, the value of the system errno variable, and a string interpretation of both variables. The string must be freed after use by the caller. For errors returned by ssnnmmppsseessssooppeenn(()), use the corresponding function ssnnmmppeerrrroorr(()) instead of ssnnmmppsseesssseerrrroorr(()). Consult snmpapi.h for the complete set of SNMP library error values.

The SNMP library error value snmperr can be one of the following val-

ues: SNMPERRGENERR A generic error occurred. SNMPERRBADLOCPORT The local port was bad because it had already been allocated or permission was denied.

SNMPERRBADADDRESS The host name or address given was not use-



sseelleecctt(2), ssnnmmppaappii(3), ssnnmmppaappii..hh 4.2 Berkeley Distribution 07 Mar 2002 SNMPSESSAPI(3)

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