Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man snmp_error

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man snmp_error



snmpsessinit, snmpopen, snmpsend, snmpfreepdu, snmpselectinfo, snmpread, snmptimeout, snmpclose, snmpperror, snmpsessperror,

snmperror, snmpapierrstring - send and receive SNMP messages



void snmpsessinit ( struct snmpsession * ); struct snmpsession * snmpopen ( struct snmpsession *); //** IInnppuutt ppaarraammeetteerr nnoott uusseedd iinn aaccttiivvee sseessssiioonnss **// int snmpsend ( struct snmpsession *session, struct snmppdu *pdu ); int snmpselectinfo ( int *numfds, fdset *fdset, struct timeval *timeout, int *block ); void snmpread ( fdset *fdset ); void snmptimeout ( void ); int snmpclose ( struct snmpsession *session ); void snmpfreepdu ( struct snmppdu *pdu ); void snmperror ( struct snmpsession *session, int *pcliberr, int *psnmperr, char **pperrstring ); char *snmpapierrstring ( int snmperr ); void snmpperror ( char * msg ); //** ffoorr ppaarrssiinngg eerrrroorrss oonnllyy **// void snmpsessperror (char * msg, struct snmpsession *); //** aallll ootthheerr SSNNMMPP lliibbrraarryy eerrrroorrss **//


Snmpsessinit prepares a struct snmpsession that sources transport characteristics and common information that will be used for a set of

SNMP transactions. After this structure is passed to snmpopen to cre-

ate an SNMP session, the structure is not used.

Snmpopen returns a pointer to a newly-formed struct snmpsession

object, which the application must use to reference the active SNMP session. Snmpsend and snmpfreepdu each take as input a pointer to a struct snmppdu object. This structure contains information that describes a transaction that will be performed over an open session. Consult snmpapi.h for the definitions of these structures. Snmpread, snmpselectinfo, and snmptimeout provide an interface for the use of the select(2) system call so that SNMP transactions can occur asynchronously. Snmpselectinfo is given the information that would have been passed

to select in the absence of SNMP. For example, this might include win-

dow update information. This information is modified so that SNMP will get the service it requires from the call to select. In this case, numfds, fdset, and timeout correspond to the nfds, readfds, and timeout arguments to select, respectively. The only exception is that timeout must always point to an allocated (but perhaps uninitialized) struct timeval. If timeout would have been passed as NULL, block is set to true, and timeout is treated as undefined. This same rule applies upon return from snmpselectinfo. After calling snmpselectinfo, select is called with the returned data. When select returns, snmpread should be called with the fdset returned from select to read each SNMP socket that has input. If select times out, snmptimeout should be called to see if the timeout was intended for SNMP. DIAGNOSTICS Previous versions of the library used snmpgeterrno to read the global variable snmperrno which may have held the error status within the SNMP library. The existing method snmpperror should be used to log ASN.1 coding errors only. The new method snmpsessperror is provided to capture errors that occur during the processing of a particular SNMP session. Snmpsessperror calls snmperror function to obtain the "C" library error errno , the SNMP library error snmperr , and the SNMP library detailed error message that is associated with an error that occurred during a given session. Note that in all cases except one, snmpsessperror should be handed the struct snmpsession * pointer returned from snmpopen. If

snmpopen returns a null pointer, pass the INPUT struct snmpsession *

pointer used to call snmpopen. Error return status from snmpclose and snmpsend is indicated by return of 0. A successful status will return a 1 for snmpclose and the request id of the packet for snmpsend. Upon successful return from snmpsend the pdu will be freed by the library. Consult snmpapi.h for the complete set of SNMP library error values.

The SNMP library error value snmperr can be one of the following val-

ues: SNMPERRGENERR A generic error occurred. SNMPERRBADLOCPORT The local port was bad because it had already been allocated or permission was denied.

SNMPERRBADADDRESS The host name or address given was not use-

able. SNMPERRBADSESSION The specified session was not open. SNMPERRTOOLONG SNMPERRNOSOCKET SNMPERRV2INV1 SNMPERRV1INV2 SNMPERRBADREPEATERS SNMPERRBADREPETITIONS SNMPERRBADASN1BUILD SNMPERRBADSENDTO SNMPERRBADPARSE SNMPERRBADVERSION SNMPERRNOAUTHDESPRIV SNMPERRABORT SNMPERRUNKNOWNPDU SNMPERRTIMEOUT A string representation of the error code can be obtained with snmpapierrstring, and a standard error message may be printed using snmpperror that functions like the perror standard routine.


select(2), snmpapi.h 4.2 Berkeley Distribution 21 Oct 1999 SNMPAPI(3)

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