slappasswd - OpenLDAP password utility
//uussrr//ssbbiinn//ssllaappppaasssswwdd [[-vv]] [[-uu]] [[-ss sseeccrreett||-TT ffiillee]] [[-hh hhaasshh]] [[-cc ssaalltt-
SSllaappppaasssswwdd is used to generate an userPassword value suitable for use with llddaappmmooddiiffyy(1) or ssllaappdd..ccoonnff(5) rootpw configuration directive. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-vv enable verbose mode.
-uu Generate RFC 2307 userPassword values (the default). Future
versions of this program may generate alternative syntaxes by default. This option is provided for forward compatibility.-ss secret
The secret to hash. If this and -TT are absent, the user will be
prompted for the secret to hash. -ss and -TT and mutually exclu-
sive flags.-TT file
Hash the contents of the file. If this and -ss are absent, the
user will be prompted for the secret to hash. -ss and -TT and
mutually exclusive flags.-hh scheme
If -h is specified, one of the following RFC 2307 schemes may be
specified: {CRYPT}, {MD5}, {SMD5}, {SSHA}, and {SHA}. The default is {SSHA}. Note that scheme names may need to be protected, due to {{ and }}, from expansion by the user's command interpreter.{{SSHHAA}} and {{SSSSHHAA}} use the SHA-1 algorithm (FIPS 160-1), the lat-
ter with a seed. {{MMDD55}} and {{SSMMDD55}} use the MD5 algorithm (RFC 1321), the latter with a seed. {{CCRRYYPPTT}} uses the ccrryypptt(3). {{CCLLEEAARRTTEEXXTT}} indicates that the new password should be added to userPassword as clear text.-cc crypt-salt-format
Specify the format of the salt passed to ccrryypptt(3) when generat-
ing {CRYPT} passwords. This string needs to be in sspprriinnttff(3)format and may include one (and only one) %s conversion. This
conversion will be substituted with a string random charactersfrom [A-Za-z0-9./]. For example, "%.2s" provides a two charac-
ter salt and "$1$%.8s" tells some versions of crypt(3) to use an
MD5 algorithm and provides 8 random characters of salt. Thedefault is "%s", which provides 31 characters of salt.
LLIIMMIITTAATTIIOONNSS The practice storing hashed passwords in userPassword violates Standard Track (RFC 2256) schema specifications and may hinder interoperability. A new attribute type, authPassword, to hold hashed passwords has been defined (RFC 3112), but is not yet implemented in ssllaappdd(8). It should also be noted that the behavior of ccrryypptt(3) is platform specific. SSEECCUURRIITTYY CCOONNSSIIDDEERRAATTIIOONNSS Use of hashed passwords does not protect passwords during protocoltransfer. TLS or other eavesdropping protections should be in-place
before using LDAP simple bind. The hashed password values should be protected as if they were clear text passwords.SEE ALSO
llddaappppaasssswwdd(1), llddaappmmooddiiffyy(1), ssllaappdd(8) ssllaappdd..ccoonnff(5) RRFFCC 22330077 RRFFCC 22225566 RRFFCC 33111122 "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" ( AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project ( OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release. OpenLDAP 2.2.19 2004/11/26 SLAPPASSWD(8C)