slapo-translucent - Translucent Proxy overlay
The Translucent Proxy overlay can be used with a backend database suchas ssllaappdd-bbddbb(5) to create a "translucent proxy". Entries retrieved
from a remote LDAP server may have some or all attributes overridden, or new attributes added, by entries in the local database before being presented to the client. A sseeaarrcchh operation is first populated with entries from the remote LDAP server, the attributes of which are then overridden with any attributes defined in the local database. Local overrides may be populated with the aadddd, mmooddiiffyy ,, and mmooddrrddnn operations, the use of which is restricted to the root user. A ccoommppaarree operation will perform a comparison with attributes defined in the local database record (if any) before any comparison is made with data in the remote database. CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONNThe Translucent Proxy overlay uses a remote LDAP server which is con-
figured with the options shown in ssllaappdd-llddaapp(5). These ssllaappdd..ccoonnff
options are specific to the Translucent Proxy overlay; they may appear anywhere after the oovveerrllaayy directive and before any subsequent ddaattaabbaassee directive. ttrraannsslluucceennttssttrriicctt By default, attempts to delete attributes in either the local orremote databases will be silently ignored. The ttrraannsslluu-
cceennttssttrriicctt directive causes these modifications to fail with a Constraint Violation. ttrraannsslluucceennttnnoogglluuee This configuration option disables the automatic creation of "glue" records for an aadddd or mmooddrrddnn operation, such that all parents of an entry added to the local database must be created by hand. Glue records are always created for a mmooddiiffyy operation. CCAAVVEEAATTSS The Translucent Proxy overlay will disable schema checking in the local database, so that an entry consisting of overlay attributes need not adhere to the complete schema. Because the translucent overlay does not perform any DN rewrites, the local and remote database instances must have the same suffix. Other configurations will probably fail with No Such Object and other errors. FILES /etc/openldap/slapd.conf default slapd configuration fileSEE ALSO
ssllaappdd..ccoonnff(5), ssllaappdd-llddaapp(5).
OpenLDAP 2.3.27 2006/08/19 SLAPO-TRANSLUCENT(5)