Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man slapo-syncprov

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man slapo-syncprov



slapo-syncprov - Sync Provider overlay




The Sync Provider overlay implements the provider-side support for the

LDAP Content Synchronization (RFC4533) as well as syncrepl replication support. The overlay can be used with any backend that maintains entryCSN and entryUUID attributes for its entries. It also creates a contextCSN attribute in the root entry of the database. The contextCSN is updated for every write operation performed against the database. To reduce database contention, the contextCSN is only

updated in memory. The value is written to the database on server shut-

down and read into memory on startup, and maintained in memory there-

after. Checkpoints may be configured to write the contextCSN into the

underlying database to minimize recovery time after an unclean shut-


Note that due to deadlock constraints in the LDBM database, this over-

lay will only work in RefreshOnly mode, and cannot perform checkpoints, on LDBM. On databases that support inequality indexing, it is helpful to set an eq index on the entryCSN attribute when using this overlay. CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN These ssllaappdd..ccoonnff options apply to the Sync Provider overlay. They should appear after the oovveerrllaayy directive.

ssyynnccpprroovv-cchheecckkppooiinntt <> <>

After a write operation has succeeded, write the contextCSN to the underlying database if <> write operations or more than

<> time have passed since the last checkpoint. Check-

pointing is disabled by default.

ssyynnccpprroovv-sseessssiioonnlloogg <>

Specify a session log for recording information about write operations made on the database. The <> specifies the number of operations that are recorded in the log. All write operations (except Adds) are recorded in the log. When using the session log, it is helpful to set an eq index on the entryUUID attribute in the underlying database.

ssyynnccpprroovv-nnoopprreesseenntt TTRRUUEE || FFAALLSSEE

Specify that the Present phase of refreshing should be skipped. This value should only be set TRUE for a syncprov instance on top of a log database (such as one managed by the accesslog overlay). The default is FALSE.

ssyynnccpprroovv-rreellooaaddhhiinntt TTRRUUEE || FFAALLSSEE

Specify that the overlay should honor the reloadHint flag in the

Sync Control. In OpenLDAP releases 2.3.11 and earlier the syn-

crepl consumer did not properly set this flag, so the overlay must ignore it. This option should be set TRUE when working with newer releases that properly support this flag. It must be set

TRUE when using the accesslog overlay for delta-based syncrepl

support. The default is FALSE. FILES /etc/openldap/slapd.conf default slapd configuration file


ssllaappdd..ccoonnff(5), ssllaappoo-aacccceesssslloogg(5). OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide.

OpenLDAP 2.3.27 2006/08/19 SLAPO-SYNCPROV(5)

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