skiplist - Create and manipulate skiplists
package require TTccll 88..22 package require ssttrruucctt ??11..33?? sskkiipplliissttNNaammee option ?arg arg ...?skiplistName ddeelleettee node ?node...?
skiplistName ddeessttrrooyy
skiplistName iinnsseerrtt key value
skiplistName sseeaarrcchh node ?-kkeeyy key?
skiplistName ssiizzee
skiplistName wwaallkk cmd
The ::::ssttrruucctt::::sskkiipplliisstt command creates a new skiplist object with an
associated global Tcl command whose name is skiplistName. This command
may be used to invoke various operations on the skiplist. It has the
following general form: sskkiipplliissttNNaammee option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. Skip lists are an alternative data structure to binary trees. They can be used to maintain ordered lists over any sequence of insertions anddeletions. Skip lists use randomness to achieve probabilistic balanc-
ing, and as a result the algorithms for insertion and deletion in skip lists are much simpler and faster than those for binary trees.To read more about skip lists see Pugh, William. Skip lists: a proba-
bilistic alternative to balanced trees In: Communications of the ACM,June 1990, 33(6) 668-676.
Currently, the key can be either a number or a string, and comparisons are performed with the built in greater than operator. The followingcommands are possible for skiplist objects:
skiplistName ddeelleettee node ?node...?
Remove the specified nodes from the skiplist.
skiplistName ddeessttrrooyy
Destroy the skiplist, including its storage space and associated
command.skiplistName iinnsseerrtt key value
Insert a node with the given key and value into the skiplist. If
a node with that key already exists, then the that node's value is updated and its node level is returned. Otherwise a new node is created and 0 is returned.skiplistName sseeaarrcchh node ?-kkeeyy key?
Search for a given key in a skiplist. If not found then 0 is
returned. If found, then a two element list of 1 followed by the node's value is retuned.skiplistName ssiizzee
Return a count of the number of nodes in the skiplist.
skiplistName wwaallkk cmd
Walk the skiplist from the first node to the last. At each node,
the command cmd will be evaluated with the key and value of the current node appended. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSSskiplist
COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000 Keith Vetterstruct 1.3 skiplist(n)