ssiippss - scriptable image processing system.
ssiippss [image-query-functions] imagefile ...
ssiippss [profile-query-functions] profile ...
ssiippss [image-modification-functions] imagefile ...
[--oouutt result-file-or-dir]
ssiippss [profile-modification-functions] profile ...
[--oouutt result-file-or-dir]
This tool is used to query or modify raster image files and ColorSync ICC profiles. Its functionality can also be used through the "Image Events" AppleScript suite. FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNSS Profile query functions:-gg key
--ggeettPPrrooppeerrttyy key
Output the property value for key to stdout.-XX tag tagFile
--eexxttrraaccttTTaagg tag tagFile
Write a profile tag element to tagFile.-vv
Verify any profile problems and log output to stdout. Image query functions:-gg key
--ggeettPPrrooppeerrttyy key
Output the property value for key to stdout.-xx profile
--eexxttrraaccttPPrrooffiillee profile
Get the embedded profile from image and write it to profile. Profile modification functions:-ss key value
--sseettPPrrooppeerrttyy key value
Set a property value for key to value.-dd key
--ddeelleetteePPrrooppeerrttyy key
Remove a property value for key.--ddeelleetteeTTaagg tag
Remove the tag element from a profile.--ccooppyyTTaagg srcTag dstTag
Copy the srcTag element of a profile to dstTag.--llooaaddTTaagg tag tagFile
Set the tag element of a profile to the contents of tagFile.--rreeppaaiirr
Repair any profile problems and log output to stdout. Image modification functions:-ss key value
--sseettPPrrooppeerrttyy key value
Set a property value for key to value.-dd key
--ddeelleetteePPrrooppeerrttyy key
Remove a property value for key.-ee profile
--eemmbbeeddPPrrooffiillee profile
Embed profile in image.-EE profile
--eemmbbeeddPPrrooffiilleeIIffNNoonnee profile
Embed profile in image only if image doen't have a profile.-mm profile
--mmaattcchhTToo profile
Color match image to profile.-MM profile intent
--mmaattcchhTTooWWiitthhIInntteenntt profile intent
Color match image to profile with rendering intent perceptual | relative | saturation | absolute.--ddeelleetteeCCoolloorrMMaannaaggeemmeennttPPrrooppeerrttiieess
Delete color management properties in TIFF, PNG, and EXIF dictio-
naries.-rr degreesCW
--rroottaattee degreesCW
-ff horizontal|vertical
--fflliipp horizontal|vertical
-cc pixelsH pixelsW
--ccrrooppTTooHHeeiigghhttWWiiddtthh pixelsH pixelsW
Crop image to fit specified size.-pp pixelsH pixelsW
--ppaaddTTooHHeeiigghhttWWiiddtthh pixelsH pixelsW
Pad image with pixels to fit specified size.--ppaaddCCoolloorr hexcolor
Use this color when padding. White=FFFFFF, Red=FF0000, Default=Black=000000-zz pixelsH pixelsW
--rreessaammpplleeHHeeiigghhttWWiiddtthh pixelsH pixelsW
Resample image at specified size. Image apsect ratio may be altered.--rreessaammpplleeWWiiddtthh pixelsW
Resample image to specified width.--rreessaammpplleeHHeeiigghhtt pixelsH
Resample image to specified height.-ZZ pixelsWH
--rreessaammpplleeHHeeiigghhttWWiiddtthhMMaaxx pixelsWH
Resample image so height and width aren't greater than specified size.-ii
Add a Finder icon to image file. OOPPTTIIOONNSSThe commands -getProperty, -setProperty, and -deleteProperty can use
one of the following keys as a parameter. Special property keys: all binary data allxml binary data Image property keys: dpiHeight float dpiWidth floatpixelHeight integer (read-only)
pixelWidth integer (read-only)
typeIdentifier string (read-only)
format string jpeg | tiff | png | gif | jp2 | pict | bmp | qtif | psd | sgi | tga formatOptions string default | [low|normal|high|best|] | [lzw|packbits] space string (read-only)
samplesPerPixel integer (read-only)
bitsPerSample integer (read-only)
creation string (read-only)
make string model stringsoftware string (read-only)
description string copyright string artist string profile binary datahasAlpha boolean (read-only)
Profile property keys: description utf8 stringsize integer (read-only)
cmm string version stringclass string (read-only)
space string (read-only)
pcs string (read-only)
creation string platform string quality string normal | draft | best deviceManufacturer string deviceModel integer deviceAttributes0 integer deviceAttributes1 integer renderingIntent string perceptual | relative | saturation | absolute creator string copyright stringmd5 string (read-only)
Darwin December 21, 2019 Darwin