Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sgetrune

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sgetrune

RUNE(3) BSD Library Functions Manual RUNE(3)


sseettrruunneellooccaallee, sseettiinnvvaalliiddrruunnee, ssggeettrruunnee, ssppuuttrruunnee, ffggeettrruunnee, ffuunnggeettrruunnee,

ffppuuttrruunnee - rune support for C


Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


##iinncclluuddee <>

##iinncclluuddee <>

int sseettrruunneellooccaallee(char *locale); void sseettiinnvvaalliiddrruunnee(runet rune); runet ssggeettrruunnee(const char *string, sizet n, char const **result); int ssppuuttrruunnee(runet rune, char *string, sizet n, char **result);

##iinncclluuddee <>

long ffggeettrruunnee(FILE *stream); int ffuunnggeettrruunnee(runet rune, FILE *stream); int ffppuuttrruunnee(runet rune, FILE *stream);


The 4.4BSD ``rune'' functions have been deprecated in favour of the ISO C99 extended multibyte and wide character facilities and should not be used in new applications. Consider using setlocale(3), mbrtowc(3), wcrtomb(3), fgetwc(3), ungetwc(3), and fputwc(3) instead. The sseettrruunneellooccaallee() controls the type of encoding used to represent runes as multibyte strings as well as the properties of the runes as defined in . The locale argument indicates which locale to load. If the locale is successfully loaded, 0 is returned, otherwise an errno value is returned to indicate the type of error. The sseettiinnvvaalliiddrruunnee() function sets the value of the global value INVALIDRUNE to be rune. The ssggeettrruunnee() function tries to read a single multibyte character from string, which is at most n bytes long. If ssggeettrruunnee() is successful, the rune is returned. If result is not NULL, *result will point to the first byte which was not converted in string. If the first n bytes of string do not describe a full multibyte character, INVALIDRUNE is returned and *result will point to string. If there is an encoding error at the start of string, INVALIDRUNE is returned and *result will point to the second character of string. the ssppuuttrruunnee() function tries to encode rune as a multibyte string and store it at string, but no more than n bytes will be stored. If result is not NULL, *result will be set to point to the first byte in string following the new multibyte character. If string is NULL, *result will point to (char *)0 + x, where x is the number of bytes that would be needed to store the multibyte value. If the multibyte character would consist of more than n bytes and result is not NULL, *result will be set to NULL. In all cases, ssppuuttrruunnee() will return the number of bytes which would be needed to store rune as a multibyte character.

The ffggeettrruunnee() function operates the same as ssggeettrruunnee() with the excep-

tion that it attempts to read enough bytes from stream to decode a single rune. It returns either EOF on end of file, INVALIDRUNE on an encoding error, or the rune decoded if all went well. The ffuunnggeettrruunnee() function pushes the multibyte encoding, as provided by ssppuuttrruunnee(), of rune onto stream such that the next ffggeettrruunnee() call will return rune. It returns EOF if it fails and 0 on success.

The ffppuuttrruunnee() function writes the multibyte encoding of rune, as pro-

vided by ssppuuttrruunnee(), onto stream. It returns EOF on failure and 0 on success.


The sseettrruunneellooccaallee() function returns one of the following values: 0 The sseettrruunneellooccaallee() function was successful. [EINVAL] The locale name was incorrect. [ENOENT] The locale could not be found. [EFTYPE] The file found was not a valid file. The ssggeettrruunnee() function either returns the rune read or INVALIDRUNE. The ssppuuttrruunnee() function returns the number of bytes needed to store rune as a multibyte string. FILES


/usr/share/locale/locale/LCCTYPE binary LCCTYPE file for the locale locale.


mbrune(3), setlocale(3), euc(4), utf2(4), utf8(5) HISTORY These functions first appeared in 4.4BSD.

The sseettrruunneellooccaallee() function and the other non-ANSI rune functions were

inspired by PPllaann 99 ffrroomm BBeellll LLaabbss. BSD October 6, 2002 BSD

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