ffoorrmmooppttss - set and get form options
##iinncclluuddee <
> int setformopts(FORM *form, OPTIONS opts);
int formoptson(FORM *form, OPTIONS opts);
int formoptsoff(FORM *form, OPTIONS opts);
OPTIONS formopts(const FORM *form);
The function sseettffoorrmmooppttss sets all the given form's option bits (formoption bits may be logically-OR'ed together).
The function ffoorrmmooppttssoonn turns on the given option bits, and leaves others alone. The function ffoorrmmooppttssooffff turns off the given option bits, and leaves others alone. The function ffoorrmmooppttss returns the form's current option bits. The following options are defined (all are on by default): ONLOVERLOAD Overload the RREEQQNNEEWWLLIINNEE forms driver request so that calling it at the end of a field goes to the next field. OBSOVERLOAD Overload the RREEQQDDEELLPPRREEVV forms driver request so that calling it at the beginning of a field goes to the previous field. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE Except for ffoorrmmooppttss, each routine returns one of the following: EEOOKK The routine succeeded. EESSYYSSTTEEMMEERRRROORR System error occurred (see eerrrrnnoo).SEE ALSO
ccuurrsseess(3X), ffoorrmm(3X). NNOOTTEESS The header file <> automatically includes the header file < >. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY These routines emulate the System V forms library. They were not sup-
ported on Version 7 or BSD versions. AUTHORS Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. formopts(3X)