sseerrvviiccee service command
sseerrvviiccee --lliisstt
sseerrvviiccee --tteesstt-iiff-ccoonnffiigguurreedd-oonn service
sseerrvviiccee --tteesstt-iiff-aavvaaiillaabbllee service
sseerrvviiccee is a simple utility to abstract the management of services pro-
vided by the system. It can be used to start and stop services, as well
as to determine the status of services.
OOPPTTIIOONNSSservice command
Attempt to execute a given command for a given service. Cur-
rently, the available commands are 'start' and 'stop'.--lliisstt List all available services.
--tteesstt-iiff-ccoonnffiigguurreedd-oonn service
Exit with status 0 if the service is currently enabled. Other-
wise, exit with status 1.--tteesstt-iiff-aavvaaiillaabbllee service
Exit with status 0 if the service's daemon exists on your system.
Otherwise, exit with status 1. Darwin October 15, 2004 Darwin