serialver - serial version command
sseerriiaallvveerr [ options ] [ classnames ] optionsCommand-line options, as specified in this document.
classnames One or more class names.DESCRIPTION
sseerriiaallvveerr returns the sseerriiaallVVeerrssiioonnUUIIDD for one or more classes in a form suitable for copying into an evolving class. When invoked with no arguments, it prints a usage line. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-ccllaassssppaatthh <
Set search path for application classes and resources.> -sshhooww Displays a simple user interface. Enter the full class
name and press either the Enter key or the Show button to display the sseerriiaallVVeerrssiioonnUUIIDD.-JJoption Pass option to the Java virtual machine, where option is
one of the options described on the man page for thejava application launcher, java(1). For example, -J-
Xms48m sets the startup memory to 48 megabytes. It is acommon convention for -JJ to pass options to the underly-
ing virtual machine.SEE ALSO
See (or search jjaavvaa..ssuunn..ccoomm) for the following: jjaavvaa..iioo..OObbjjeeccttSSttrreeaammCCllaassss @@
Class.html24 June 2004 serialver(1)