Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sem_unlink

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sem_unlink

SEMUNLINK(2) BSD System Calls Manual SEMUNLINK(2)


sseemmuunnlliinnkk - remove a named semaphore


##iinncclluuddee <>

int sseemmuunnlliinnkk(const char *name);


The named semaphore named name is removed. If the semaphore is in use by

other processes, then name is immediately disassociated with the sema-

phore, but the semaphore itself will not be removed until all references to it have been closed. Subsequent calls to sseemmooppeenn() using name will refer to or create a new semaphore named name.

If successful, sseemmuunnlliinnkk() will return 0. Otherwise, -1 is returned and

errno is set, and the state of the semaphore is unchanged. EERRRROORRSS sseemmuunnlliinnkk() succeeds unless: [EACCES] Permission is denied to be remove the semaphore.

[ENAMETOOLONG] name exceeded SEMNAMELEN characters.

[ENOENT] The named semaphore does not exist.


semclose(2), semopen(2), semctl(2), semget(2), semop(2) HISTORY sseemmuunnlliinnkk() is specified in the POSIX Realtime Extension


Darwin June 8, 2000 Darwin

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