sseeccuurriittyydd - Security context daemon for Authorization and cryptographic
sseeccuurriittyydd maintains security contexts and arbitrates cryptographic opera-
tions and Security Authorizations. Access to keychain items is routed through sseeccuurriittyydd to enforce access controls and to keep private keys out of user process address space. Authorization calls also communicate with sseeccuurriittyydd to enforce rules contained in the /etc/authorization database. All user interaction with sseeccuurriittyydd is mediated through the SSeeccuurriittyy AAggeenntt.. This command is not intended to be invoked directly. HISTORY sseeccuurriittyydd was first introduced in Mac OS X version 10.0 (Cheetah) as the "Security Server" and was renamed in 10.4 (Tiger). AUTHORS Perry The Cynic Darwin December 21, 2019 Darwin