sseeccuurriittyypprriivvppoorrttsseerrvveerr - Authorization-based trampoline to acquire
privileged portsSYNOPSIS
sseeccuurriittyypprriivvppoorrttsseerrvveerr is used by the Authorization framework callAuthorizationBindPrivilegedPort() to allow a process to bind to a privi-
leged port without requiring the client application to run as root. Thetool will acquire the requested ports if the client is granted sys-
tem.privilege.port.connect and system.privilege.port.accept rights in a Security Authorization evaluation. This command is not intended to be invoked directly. FILES /etc/authorizationThe authorization database can be configured to allow or disal-
low the use of this function. HISTORY sseeccuurriittyypprriivvppoorrttsseerrvveerr was first introduced in Mac OS X version 10.3 (Panther). AUTHORS Perry Kiehtreiber Darwin December 21, 2019 Darwin