ssccrroollll, ssccrrll, wwssccrrll - scroll a ccuurrsseess window
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iinntt ssccrroollll((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn));; iinntt ssccrrll((iinntt nn));; iinntt wwssccrrll((WWIINNDDOOWW **wwiinn,, iinntt nn));;> DESCRIPTION
The ssccrroollll routine scrolls the window up one line. This involves mov-
ing the lines in the window data structure. As an optimization, if thescrolling region of the window is the entire screen, the physical
screen may be scrolled at the same time.
For positive n, the ssccrrll and wwssccrrll routines scroll the window up n
lines (line i+n becomes i); otherwise scroll the window down n lines.
This involves moving the lines in the window character image structure. The current cursor position is not changed.For these functions to work, scrolling must be enabled via ssccrroollllookk.
RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE These routines return EERRRR upon failure, and OOKK (SVr4 only specifies "an integer value other than EERRRR") upon successful completion. X/Open defines no error conditions. This implementation returns an error if the window pointer is null, orif scrolling is not enabled in the window, e.g., with ssccrroollllookk.
NNOOTTEESS Note that ssccrrll and ssccrroollll may be macros. The SVr4 documentation says that the optimization of physicallyscrolling immediately if the scroll region is the entire screen "is"
performed, not "may be" performed. This implementation deliberately does not guarantee that this will occur, to leave open the possibilityof smarter optimization of multiple scroll actions on the next update.
Neither the SVr4 nor the XSI documentation specify whether the currentattribute or current color-pair of blanks generated by the scroll func-
tion is zeroed. Under this implementation it is. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY The XSI Curses standard, Issue 4 describes these functions.SEE ALSO
ccuurrsseess(3X), ccuurrssoouuttooppttss(3X)cursscroll(3X)