Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sc_auth

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sc_auth

scauth(8) BSD System Manager's Manual scauth(8)


ssccaauutthh - smart card authorization setup script


ssccaauutthh accept [-vv] [-uu user] [-dd domain] [-kk keyname]

ssccaauutthh accept [-vv] [-uu user] [-dd domain] -hh hash

ssccaauutthh remove [-vv] [-uu user] [-dd domain]

ssccaauutthh hash [-kk keyname]

ssccaauutthh list [-vv] [-uu user] [-dd domain]


ssccaauutthh configures a local user account to permit authentication using a supported smart card. Authentication is via asymmetric key (also known

as public-key) encryption. ssccaauutthh works with signing keys, but not

encryption keys. ssccaauutthh can perform the following actions: accept Associate a user with a public key on a card. The key to use can be specified either by its name or its hash. remove Remove all public keys associated with a user. hash Print the hashes for all keys on all inserted cards. list List all public keys associated with a user. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-uu user Specifies the user whose account is to be modified

-dd domain

Specifies the directory domain containing the user account

-kk keyname

Specifies a public key by its name

-hh hash Specifies a public key by its hash

-vv Verbose mode


ssccaauutthh is a shell script. It is intended to be modified by administra-

tors to suit their local environments. ssccaauutthh is only known to work with a local directory. Consult the script's source for some limited guidance to using remote directories.


ssccaauutthh hash might display the hashes of encryption keys as well as sign-

ing keys, even though ssccaauutthh accept does not work with encryption keys. MacOSX December 11, 2006 MacOSX

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