saslsetpass - Check a plaintext password
##iinncclluuddee <
iinntt ssaassllsseettppaassss((ssaassllccoonnnntt **conn,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **user,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **pass,, uunnssiiggnneedd passlen,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **oldpass,, uunnssiiggnneedd oldpasslen,, uunnssiiggnneedd flags))> DESCRIPTION
ssaassllsseettppaassss will set passwords in the sasldb, and trigger the setpass callbacks for all available mechanisms. user is the username to set the password for. pass and passlen are the password to set and its length oldpass and oldpasslen are the old password & its length (and are optional) flags Are flags including SASLSETCREATE and SASLSETDISABLE (to cause the creating of nonexistant accounts and the disableing of an account, respectively) NNOOTTEESS oldpass and oldpasslen are unused in the Cyrus SASL implementation, though are passed on to any mechanisms that may require them. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE Returns SASLOK on success. SASL error code on failure. CCOONNFFOORRMMIINNGG TTOO RFC 2222SEE ALSO
sasl(3), saslerrors(3), saslcheckpass(3) SASL man pages SASL saslsetpass(10 July 2001)