saslserverstep - Perform a step in the authentication negotiation
##iinncclluuddee <
iinntt ssaassllsseerrvveerrsstteepp((ssaassllccoonnnntt *conn,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr *clientin,, uunnssiiggnneedd clientinlen,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **** serverout,, uunnssiiggnneedd ** serveroutlen));;> DESCRIPTION
ssaassllsseerrvveerrsstteepp(()) performs a step in the authentication negotiation.It returns SASLOK if the whole negotiation is sucessful and SASLCON-
TINUE if this step is ok but at least one more step is needed. conn is the SASL connection context clientin is the data given by the client (decoded if the protocolencodes requests sent over the wire) clientinlen is the length of cli-
entin serverout and serveroutlen are set by the library and should be sent to the client. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE saslserverstep returns an integer which corresponds to one of the SASL error codes. SASLCONTINUE indicates sucess and that there are more steps needed in the authentication. SASLOK indicates that the authentication is complete. All other return codes indicate errors and should either be handled or the authentication session should be quit. CCOONNFFOORRMMIINNGG TTOO RFC 2222SEE ALSO
sasl(3), saslerrors(3), saslserverinit(3), saslservernew(3), saslserverstart(3) SASL man pages SASL saslserverstep(10 July 2001)