Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sasl_encodev

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sasl_encodev

saslencode(10 July 2001) saslencode(10 July 2001)


saslencode - Encode data for transport to authenticated host


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt ssaasslleennccooddee((ssaassllccoonnnntt *conn,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr ** input,, uunnssiiggnneedd inputlen,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **** output,, uunnssiiggnneedd ** outputlen));; iinntt ssaasslleennccooddeevv((ssaassllccoonnnntt *conn,, ccoonnsstt ssttrruucctt iioovveecc ** invec,, uunnssiiggnneedd numiov,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **** output,, uunnssiiggnneedd ** outputlen));;


ssaasslleennccooddee encodes data to be sent to be sent to a remote host who

we've had a successful authentication session with. If there is a nego-

tiated security the data in signed/encrypted and the output should be sent without modification to the remote host. If there is no security layer the output is identical to the input.

ssaasslleennccooddeevv does the same, but for a struct iovec instead of a charac-

ter buffer. output contains the encoded data and is allocated/freed by the library. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE Returns SASLOK on success. See saslerrors(3) for meanings of other return codes. CCOONNFFOORRMMIINNGG TTOO RFC 2222


sasl(3), saslerrors(3), sasldecode(3) SASL man pages SASL saslencode(10 July 2001)

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