saslchalpromptt - Realm Acquisition Callback
##iinncclluuddee <
iinntt ssaassllcchhaallpprroommpptttt((vvooiidd *context,, iinntt id,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr *challenge,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr *prompt,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr *defresult,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **result,, uunnssiiggnneedd *len))> DESCRIPTION
ssaassllcchhaallpprroommpptttt is used to prompt for input in response to a server challenge. context context from the callback record id callback id (either SASLCBECHOPROMPT or SASLCBNOECHOPROMPT) challenge the server's challenge prompt A prompt for the user defresult Default result (may be NULL) result The user's response (a NUL terminated string) len Length of the user's response. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE SASL callback functions should return SASL return codes. See sasl.h for a complete list. SASLOK indicates success.SEE ALSO
sasl(3), saslcallbacks(3) SASL man pages SASL saslchalpromptt(10 July 2001)