Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sasl_auxprop_request

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man sasl_auxprop_request

saslauxproprequest(10 July 2001) saslauxproprequest(10 July 2001)


saslauxproprequest - Request Auxilliary Properties from SASL


##iinncclluuddee <>

iinntt ssaassllaauuxxpprroopprreeqquueesstt((ssaassllccoonnnntt *conn,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **** propnames))


ssaassllaauuxxpprroopprreeqquueesstt will request that the SASL library obtain proper-

ties from any auxilliary property plugins that might be installed (such as the user's home directory from an LDAP server for example). Such lookup occurs just after username cannonicalization is complete. Therefore, the request should be made before the call to saslserverstart(3), but after the call to saslservernew(3). conn the saslconnt for which the request is being made.

propnames a NULL-terminated array of property names to request. Note

that this array must persist until a call to sasldispose on the saslconnt. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE Returns SASLOK on success. See saslerrors(3) for meanings of other return codes. CCOONNFFOORRMMIINNGG TTOO RFC 2222


sasl(3), saslerrors(3), saslauxprop(3), saslauxpropgetctx(3), saslservernew(3), saslserverstart(3) SASL man pages SASL saslauxproprequest(10 July 2001)

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