SASL - SASL authentication library
The CMU Cyrus SASL library is a general purpose authentication library for sever and client applications. SSyysstteemm AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorrss::For information on setting up/configuring the SASL library see the Sys-
tem Administrators Guide in the doc/ directory of the SASL distribu-
tion. PPrrooggrraammmmeerrss::See man pages for individual sasl functions or the Programmers Guide in
the doc/ directory of the SASL distribution. CCOONNFFOORRMMIINNGG TTOO RFC 2222SEE ALSO
saslauthorizet(3), saslauxprop(3), saslauxpropgetctx(3), saslaux-
proprequest(3), saslcanonusert(3), saslcallbacks(3), saslchal-
promptt(3), saslcheckapop(3), saslcheckpass(3), saslclientinit(3),
saslclientnew(3), saslclientstart(3), saslclientstep(3),
sasldecode(3), sasldispose(3), sasldone(3), saslencode(3),
saslencodev(3), saslerrdetail(3), saslerrors(3), saslerrstring(3),
saslerrors(3), saslgetoptt(3), saslgetpatht(3), saslgetprop(3),
saslgetrealmt(3), saslgetsecrett(3), saslgetsimplet(3),
saslidle(3), sasllistmech(3), sasllogt(3), saslserverinit(3),
saslservernew(3), saslserverstart(3), saslserverstep(3),
saslserveruserdbcheckpasst(3), saslserveruserdbsetpasst(3),
saslsetpass(3), saslsetprop(3), sasluserexists(3), saslverify-
filet(3), saslgloballistmech(3)
SASL man pages SASL SASL(10 July 2001)