stime - SSL/TLS performance timing program
ooppeennssssll ssttiimmee [-ccoonnnneecctt hhoosstt::ppoorrtt] [-wwwwww ppaaggee] [-cceerrtt ffiilleennaammee] [-kkeeyy
ffiilleennaammee] [-CCAAppaatthh ddiirreeccttoorryy] [-CCAAffiillee ffiilleennaammee] [-rreeuussee] [-nneeww]
[-vveerriiffyy ddeepptthh] [-nnbbiioo] [-ttiimmee sseeccoonnddss] [-ssssll22] [-ssssll33] [-bbuuggss]
[-cciipphheerr cciipphheerrlliisstt]
The sscclliieenntt command implements a generic SSL/TLS client which connects to a remote host using SSL/TLS. It can request a page from the server and includes the time to transfer the payload data in its timing measurements. It measures the number of connections within a given timeframe, the amount of data transferred (if any), and calculates the average time spent for one connection. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-ccoonnnneecctt hhoosstt::ppoorrtt
This specifies the host and optional port to connect to.-wwwwww ppaaggee
This specifies the page to GET from the server. A value of '/' gets the index.htm[l] page. If this parameter is not specified, then ssttiimmee will only perform the handshake to establish SSL connections but not transfer any payload data.-cceerrtt cceerrttnnaammee
The certificate to use, if one is requested by the server. The default is not to use a certificate. The file is in PEM format.-kkeeyy kkeeyyffiillee
The private key to use. If not specified then the certificate file will be used. The file is in PEM format.-vveerriiffyy ddeepptthh
The verify depth to use. This specifies the maximum length of the server certificate chain and turns on server certificate verification. Currently the verify operation continues after errors so all the problems with a certificate chain can be seen. As a side effect the connection will never fail due to a server certificate verify failure.-CCAAppaatthh ddiirreeccttoorryy
The directory to use for server certificate verification. This directory must be in "hash format", see vveerriiffyy for more information. These are also used when building the client certificate chain.-CCAAffiillee ffiillee
A file containing trusted certificates to use during server authentication and to use when attempting to build the client certificate chain.-nneeww
performs the timing test using a new session ID for eachconnection. If neither -nneeww nor -rreeuussee are specified, they are
both on by default and executed in sequence.-rreeuussee
performs the timing test using the same session ID; this can beused as a test that session caching is working. If neither -nneeww nor
-rreeuussee are specified, they are both on by default and executed in
turns on non-blocking I/O.
-ssssll22, -ssssll33
these options disable the use of certain SSL or TLS protocols. By default the initial handshake uses a method which should be compatible with all servers and permit them to use SSL v3, SSL v2 or TLS as appropriate. The timing program is not as rich in options to turn protocols on and off as the sclient(1) program and may not connect to all servers. Unfortunately there are a lot of ancient and broken servers in use which cannot handle this technique and will fail to connect. Someservers only work if TLS is turned off with the -ssssll33 option;
others will only support SSL v2 and may need the -ssssll22 option.
there are several known bug in SSL and TLS implementations. Adding this option enables various workarounds.-cciipphheerr cciipphheerrlliisstt
this allows the cipher list sent by the client to be modified. Although the server determines which cipher suite is used it should take the first supported cipher in the list sent by the client. See the ciphers(1) command for more information.-ttiimmee lleennggtthh
specifies how long (in seconds) ssttiimmee should establish connections and optionally transfer payload data from a server. Server and client performance and the link speed determine how many connections ssttiimmee can establish. NNOOTTEESS sscclliieenntt can be used to measure the performance of an SSL connection. To connect to an SSL HTTP server and get the default page the commandopenssl stime -connect servername:443 -www / -CApath yourdir -CAfile yourfile.pem -cipher commoncipher [-ssl3]
would typically be used (https uses port 443). 'commoncipher' is a cipher to which both client and server can agree, see the ciphers(1) command for details. If the handshake fails then there are several possible causes, if it isnothing obvious like no client certificate then the -bbuuggss, -ssssll22, -ssssll33
options can be tried in case it is a buggy server. In particular you should play with these options bbeeffoorree submitting a bug report to an OpenSSL mailing list. A frequent problem when attempting to get client certificates working is that a web client complains it has no certificates or gives an empty list to choose from. This is normally because the server is not sending the clients certificate authority in its "acceptable CA list" when it requests a certificate. By using sclient(1) the CA list can be viewed and checked. However some servers only request client authentication after a specific URL is requested. To obtain the list in this case itis necessary to use the -pprreexxiitt option of sclient(1) and send an HTTP
request for an appropriate page.If a certificate is specified on the command line using the -cceerrtt
option it will not be used unless the server specifically requests a client certificate. Therefor merely including a client certificate on the command line is no guarantee that the certificate works.BUGS
Because this program does not have all the options of the sclient(1) program to turn protocols on and off, you may not be able to measure the performance of all protocols with all servers.The -vveerriiffyy option should really exit if the server verification fails.
sclient(1), sserver(1), ciphers(1)0.9.7l 2004-01-07 STIME(1)