Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man read_premib_configs

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man read_premib_configs



registerconfighandler, registerpremibhandler unregisterconfighan-

dler, registermibhandlers, readconfigs, readpremibconfigs, con-

figperror, configpwarn - readconfig functions


##iinncclluuddee <>

ssttrruucctt ccoonnffiigglliinnee ** rreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **filePrefix,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **token,, vvooiidd ((**parser))((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **,, cchhaarr **)),, vvooiidd ((**releaser))((vvooiidd)),, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **usageLine));; ssttrruucctt ccoonnffiigglliinnee ** rreeggiisstteerrpprreemmiibbhhaannddlleerr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **filePrefix,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **token,, vvooiidd ((**parser))((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **,, cchhaarr **)),, vvooiidd ((**releaser))((vvooiidd)),, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **usageLine));; vvooiidd uunnrreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **filePrefix,, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **token));; ssttrruucctt ccoonnffiigglliinnee ** rreeggiisstteerraappppccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **token,, vvooiidd ((**parser))((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **,, cchhaarr **)),, vvooiidd ((**releaser))((vvooiidd)),, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **usageLine));; ssttrruucctt ccoonnffiigglliinnee ** rreeggiisstteerraapppppprreemmiibbhhaannddlleerr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **token,, vvooiidd ((**parser))((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **,, cchhaarr **)),, vvooiidd ((**releaser))((vvooiidd)),, ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **usageLine));; vvooiidd uunnrreeggiisstteerraappppccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **token));; vvooiidd rreeaaddccoonnffiiggpprriinnttuussaaggee((cchhaarr **lead));; vvooiidd rreeaaddccoonnffiiggss((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd rreeaaddpprreemmiibbccoonnffiiggss((vvooiidd));; vvooiidd ccoonnffiiggppwwaarrnn((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **string));; vvooiidd ccoonnffiiggppeerrrroorr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **string));;


The functions are a fairly extensible system of parsing various config-

uration files at the run time of an application. The configuration file flow is broken into the following phases: 1. Registration of handlers.

2. Reading of the configuration files for pre-MIB parsing require-

ments. 3. Reading and parsing of the textual MIB files.

4. Reading of the configuration files for configuration direc-


5. Optionally re-reading the configuration files at a future date.

The idea is that the calling application is able to register handlers

for certain tokens specified in certain types of files. The rreeaaddccoonn-

ffiiggss(()) function can then be called to look for all the files that it has registrations for, find the first word on each line, and pass the remainder to the appropriately registered handler. TTOOKKEENN HHAANNDDLLEERRSS Handler functions should have the following signature: vvooiidd hhaannddlleerr((ccoonnsstt cchhaarr **token,, cchhaarr **line));; The function will be called with two arguments, the first being the token that triggered the call to this function (which would be one of the tokens that the function had been registered for), and the second being the remainder of the configuration file line beyond the white space following the token. RREESSOOUURRCCEE FFRREEEEIINNGG HHAANNDDLLEERRSS

If the parameter releaser passed to rreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr is non-

NULL, then the function specified is called if and when the configura-

tion files are re-read. This function should free any resources allo-

cated by the token handler function and reset its notion of the config-

uration to its default. The token handler function will then be called again. No arguments are passed to the resource freeing handler. RREEGGIISSTTEERRIINNGG AA HHAANNDDLLEERR rreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(())

The hhaannddlleerr(()) function above could be registered for the config-

uration file snmp.conf, with the token genericToken and the help string (discussed later) "ARG1 [ARG2]" using the following call to the rreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()) function: registerconfighandler("snmp", "genericToken", handler, NULL, "ARG1 [ARG2]"); This would register the hhaannddlleerr(()) function so that it will get

called every time the first word of a line in the snmp.conf con-

figuration file(s) matches "genericToken" (see rreeaaddccoonnffiiggss(()) below). rreeggiisstteerrpprreemmiibbhhaannddlleerr(()) The rreeggiisstteerrpprreemmiibbhhaannddlleerr(()) function works identically to the rreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()) function but is intended for config file tokens that need to be read in before the textual MIBs are read in, probably because they will be used to configure the MIB parser. It is rarely the case that anything but the SNMP library itself should need to use this function. uunnrreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()) Removes the registered configuration handler for the filePrefix and token. rreeggiisstteerraappppccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()) rreeggiisstteerraapppppprreemmiibbhhaannddlleerr(()) uunnrreeggiisstteerraappppccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(())

These functions are analagous to rreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()), rreegg-

iisstteerrpprreemmiibbhhaannddlleerr(()) and uunnrreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()) but don't

require the file type argument (which is filled in by the appli-

cation). It is intended that MIB modules written for the agent use these functions to allow the agent to have more control over which configuration files are read (typically the snmpd.conf files). HHEELLPP SSTTRRIINNGGSS The usageLine parameter passed to rreeggiisstteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()) and similar

calls, is used to display help information when the rreeaaddccoonn-

ffiiggpprriinnttuussaaggee(()) function is called. This function is used by all of

the applications when the -HH flag is passed on the command line. It

prints a summary of all of the configuration file lines, and the asso-

ciated files, that the configuration system understands. The usageLine parameter should be a list of arguments expected after the token, and not a lengthy description (which should go into a manual page instead). The lead prefix will be prepended to each line that the function prints to stderr, where it displays its output.

The iinniittssnnmmpp(()) function should be called before the rreeaaddccoonn-

ffiiggpprriinnttuussaaggee(()) function is called, so that the library can register

its configuration file directives as well for the rreeaaddccoonn-

ffiiggpprriinnttuussaaggee(()) function to display. READING CONFIGURATION FILES iinniittssnnmmpp(())

Once the relevant configuration token parsers have been regis-

tered, iinniittssnnmmpp(()) should be called. It will parse the configu-

ration file tokens registered with rreeggiisstteerrpprreemmiibbhhaannddlleerr(()),, read in the textual MIB files using iinniittmmiibb(()),, and finally

parse the configuration file tokens registered with rreeggiiss-

tteerrccoonnffiigghhaannddlleerr(()). If the iinniittssnnmmpp(()) function is used, none of the following functions need to be called by the application: rreeggiisstteerrmmiibbhhaannddlleerrss(()) The SNMP library's routine to register its configuration file handlers. rreeaaddpprreemmiibbccoonnffiiggss(())

The routine that parses the configuration files for tokens reg-

istered to be dealt with before the textual MIBs are read in. See rreeaaddccoonnffiiggss(()) below. rreeaaddccoonnffiiggss(())

Reads all the configuration files it can find in the SNMPCONF-

PATH environment variable (or its default value) for tokens and appropriately calls the handlers registered to it, or prints a "Unknown token" warning message. It looks for any file that it has previously received a registration request for. CONFIGURATION FILES READ The configuration files read are found by using the colon separated SNMPCONFPATH environment variable (or its default value, which will be

/etc/snmp, followed by /usr/share/snmp, followed by /usr/lib/snmp, fol-

lowed by $HOME/.snmp) and reading in the files found that match both

the prefix registered and the two suffixes .conf and .local.conf. The idea behind the two different suffixes is that the first file can be shared (via rdist or an NFS mount) across a large number of machines and the second file can be used to configure local settings for one particular machine. They do not need to be present, and will only be read if found. EERRRROORR HHAANNDDLLIINNGG FFUUNNCCTTIIOONNSS The two functions ccoonnffiiggppwwaarrnn(()) and ccoonnffiiggppeerrrroorr(()) both take an error string as an argument and print it to stderr along with the file and line number that caused the error. A call to the second function will

also force rreeaaddccoonnffiiggss(()) to eventually return with an error code indi-

cating to it's calling function that it should abort the operation of the application. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES SNMPCONFPATH

A colon separated list of directories to search for configu-

ration files in. Default:



mmiibbaappii(3), ssnnmmppaappii(3) 4.2 Berkeley Distribution 07 Mar 2002 READCONFIG(3)

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