Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man rcs

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man rcs

RCS(1) RCS(1)


rcs - change RCS file attributes


rrccss options file ...


rrccss creates new RCS files or changes attributes of existing ones. An RCS file contains multiple revisions of text, an access list, a change log, descriptive text, and some control attributes. For rrccss to work, the caller's login name must be on the access list, except if the

access list is empty, the caller is the owner of the file or the supe-

ruser, or the -ii option is present.

Pathnames matching an RCS suffix denote RCS files; all others denote

working files. Names are paired as explained in ccii(1). Revision num-

bers use the syntax described in ccii(1). OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-ii Create and initialize a new RCS file, but do not deposit any

revision. If the RCS file has no path prefix, try to place it first into the subdirectory ..//RRCCSS, and then into the current

directory. If the RCS file already exists, print an error mes-



Append the login names appearing in the comma-separated list

logins to the access list of the RCS file.


Append the access list of oldfile to the access list of the RCS file.


Erase the login names appearing in the comma-separated list

logins from the access list of the RCS file. If logins is omit-

ted, erase the entire access list.


Set the default branch to rev. If rev is omitted, the default branch is reset to the (dynamically) highest branch on the trunk.


Set the comment leader to string. An initial ccii, or an rrccss -ii

without -cc, guesses the comment leader from the suffix of the

working filename.

This option is obsolescent, since RCS normally uses the preced-

ing $$LLoogg$$ line's prefix when inserting log lines during checkout

(see ccoo(1)). However, older versions of RCS use the comment

leader instead of the $$LLoogg$$ line's prefix, so if you plan to

access a file with both old and new versions of RCS, make sure

its comment leader matches its $$LLoogg$$ line prefix.


Set the default keyword substitution to subst. The effect of keyword substitution is described in ccoo(1). Giving an explicit

-kk option to ccoo, rrccssddiiffff, and rrccssmmeerrggee overrides this default.

Beware rrccss -kkvv, because -kkvv is incompatible with ccoo -ll. Use

rrccss -kkkkvv to restore the normal default keyword substitution.


Lock the revision with number rev. If a branch is given, lock the latest revision on that branch. If rev is omitted, lock the

latest revision on the default branch. Locking prevents over-

lapping changes. If someone else already holds the lock, the

lock is broken as with rrccss -uu (see below).


Unlock the revision with number rev. If a branch is given, unlock the latest revision on that branch. If rev is omitted, remove the latest lock held by the caller. Normally, only the locker of a revision can unlock it. Somebody else unlocking a revision breaks the lock. This causes a mail message to be sent to the original locker. The message contains a commentary solicited from the breaker. The commentary is terminated by

end-of-file or by a line containing .. by itself.

-LL Set locking to strict. Strict locking means that the owner of

an RCS file is not exempt from locking for checkin. This option should be used for files that are shared.

-UU Set locking to non-strict. Non-strict locking means that the

owner of a file need not lock a revision for checkin. This option should not be used for files that are shared. Whether

default locking is strict is determined by your system adminis-

trator, but it is normally strict.


Replace revision rev's log message with msg.

-MM Do not send mail when breaking somebody else's lock. This

option is not meant for casual use; it is meant for programs

that warn users by other means, and invoke rrccss -uu only as a low-

level lock-breaking operation.


Associate the symbolic name name with the branch or revision rev. Delete the symbolic name if both :: and rev are omitted; otherwise, print an error message if name is already associated with another number. If rev is symbolic, it is expanded before association. A rev consisting of a branch number followed by a .. stands for the current latest revision in the branch. A :: with an empty rev stands for the current latest revision on the default branch, normally the trunk. For example,

rrccss -nnname:: RRCCSS//** associates name with the current latest revi-

sion of all the named RCS files; this contrasts with

rrccss -nnname::$$ RRCCSS//** which associates name with the revision num-

bers extracted from keyword strings in the corresponding working files.


Act like -nn, except override any previous assignment of name.


deletes ("outdates") the revisions given by range. A range con-

sisting of a single revision number means that revision. A range consisting of a branch number means the latest revision on that branch. A range of the form rev1::rev2 means revisions rev1 to rev2 on the same branch, ::rev means from the beginning of the branch containing rev up to and including rev, and rev:: means from revision rev to the end of the branch containing rev. None of the outdated revisions can have branches or locks.

-qq Run quietly; do not print diagnostics.

-II Run interactively, even if the standard input is not a terminal.


Set the state attribute of the revision rev to state. If rev is a branch number, assume the latest revision on that branch. If rev is omitted, assume the latest revision on the default branch. Any identifier is acceptable for state. A useful set of states is EExxpp (for experimental), SSttaabb (for stable), and RReell (for released). By default, ccii(1) sets the state of a revision to EExxpp.


Write descriptive text from the contents of the named file into the RCS file, deleting the existing text. The file pathname

cannot begin with -. If file is omitted, obtain the text from

standard input, terminated by end-of-file or by a line contain-

ing .. by itself. Prompt for the text if interaction is possi-

ble; see -II. With -ii, descriptive text is obtained even if -tt

is not given.


Write descriptive text from the string into the RCS file, delet-

ing the existing text.

-TT Preserve the modification time on the RCS file unless a revision

is removed. This option can suppress extensive recompilation caused by a mmaakkee(1) dependency of some copy of the working file on the RCS file. Use this option with care; it can suppress recompilation even when it is needed, i.e. when a change to the RCS file would mean a change to keyword strings in the working file.

-VV Print RCS's version number.

-VVn Emulate RCS version n. See ccoo(1) for details.


Use suffixes to characterize RCS files. See ccii(1) for details.

-zzzone Use zone as the default time zone. This option has no effect;

it is present for compatibility with other RCS commands. At least one explicit option must be given, to ensure compatibility with future planned extensions to the rrccss command. CCOOMMPPAATTIIBBIILLIITTYY

The -bbrev option generates an RCS file that cannot be parsed by RCS

version 3 or earlier.

The -kksubst options (except -kkkkvv) generate an RCS file that cannot be

parsed by RCS version 4 or earlier.

Use rrccss -VVn to make an RCS file acceptable to RCS version n by discard-

ing information that would confuse version n.

RCS version 5.5 and earlier does not support the -xx option, and

requires a ,,vv suffix on an RCS pathname. FILES

rrccss accesses files much as ccii(1) does, except that it uses the effec-

tive user for all accesses, it does not write the working file or its directory, and it does not even read the working file unless a revision

number of $$ is specified.

ENVIRONMENT RRCCSSIINNIITT options prepended to the argument list, separated by spaces. See ccii(1) for details. DIAGNOSTICS

The RCS pathname and the revisions outdated are written to the diagnos-

tic output. The exit status is zero if and only if all operations were successful. IIDDEENNTTIIFFIICCAATTIIOONN Author: Walter F. Tichy. Manual Page Revision: 1.1; Release Date: 1999/04/23. Copyright (C) 1982, 1988, 1989 Walter F. Tichy. Copyright (C) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 Paul Eggert.


rcsintro(1), co(1), ci(1), ident(1), rcsclean(1), rcsdiff(1),

rcsmerge(1), rlog(1), rcsfile(5)

Walter F. Tichy, RCS-A System for Version Control, Software-Practice

& Experience 1155, 7 (July 1985), 637-654.


A catastrophe (e.g. a system crash) can cause RCS to leave behind a semaphore file that causes later invocations of RCS to claim that the

RCS file is in use. To fix this, remove the semaphore file. A sema-

phore file's name typically begins with ,, or ends with .

The separator for revision ranges in the -oo option used to be - instead

of ::, but this leads to confusion when symbolic names contain -. For

backwards compatibility rrccss -oo still supports the old - separator, but

it warns about this obsolete use. Symbolic names need not refer to existing revisions or branches. For

example, the -oo option does not remove symbolic names for the outdated

revisions; you must use -nn to remove the names.

GNU 1999/04/23 RCS(1)

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