Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man raidutil

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man raidutil

raidutil(8) BSD System Manager's Manual raidutil(8)


rraaiidduuttiill - Manage, manipulate, and view RAID objects.


rraaiidduuttiill [global options] verb direct-object arguments ...


rraaiidduuttiill utilizes the CoreRAID framework to manipulate RAID devices. GGLLOOBBAALL OOPPTTIIOONNSS There are several global options that may be used with rraaiidduuttiill. These options are not specific to any particular verb. Instead they have a

global effect upon the way that raidutil performs. These global options


-cc <> || --ccoonnttrroolllleerr <>

This option (controller) allows the user to specify a controller type.

-hh || --hheellpp

This option (help) will print the standard "usage" text.

-tt || --tteerrssee

This option (terse) will minimize superfluous text.

-vv || --vveerrbboossee

This option (verbose) will maximize the amount of detailed info-

mation the program will provide.

-VV || --vveerrssiioonn

This option (Version) will print out version information about this program. VVEERRBBSS,, DDIIRREECCTT OOBBJJEECCTTSS,, AANNDD SSPPEECCIIFFIICC AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS

aacckknnoowwlleeddggee eevveenntt -n

Marks an event as acknowledged by specifiying an identifying

event number. The -n may also be expressed as -number.

ccrreeaattee rraaiiddsseett -n -d -r

Create a RAIDSet specifiying: a RAIDSet name; a list of drive

bays; the RAID level. The -n, -d, and -r flags may also be

expressed as -name, -drives, and -raidlevel, respectively.

ccrreeaattee vvoolluummee -n -r -s

Create a volume specifiying: a volume name; a RAIDSet to build

the volume on; the size of the volume. The -n, -d, and -s flags

may also be expressed as -name, -raidset, and -size, respec-


ddeelleettee rraaiiddsseett -n [-f] [-u]

Remove a RAIDSet. The name of the RAIDSet is specified using

the -n argument. The -n flag may also be expressed as -name.

The optional -f flag may also be expressed as -force. The

optional -u flag may also be expressed as -unmount.

ddeelleettee vvoolluummee -n [-r ] [-f] [-u]

Remove a volume. The name of the volume is specified using the

-n argument. The -n flag may also be expressed as -name. The

optional -r flag may also be expressed as -raidset. The

optional -f flag may also be expressed as -force. The optional

-u flag may also be expressed as -unmount.

lliisstt [[ddeevviicceess]] List all known RAID devices. This is the default behavior if no direct object is specified. lliisstt ssttaattuuss Prints an overview of status information for the targeted RAID device. lliisstt ddrriivveeiinnffoo Lists relevant information about any disk drives associated with the targeted RAID device.

lliisstt eevveennttiinnffoo [[-cc nn]]

Lists event messages. When provided, the optional 'count' argu-

ment, will limit the output to the last 'n' event messages. lliisstt rraaiiddsseettiinnffoo Lists relevant information about any RAIDSet associated with the targeted RAID device. lliisstt ttaasskkiinnffoo Lists relevant information about any tasks associated with the targeted RAID device. lliisstt vvoolluummeeiinnffoo Lists relevant information about any volumes associated with the targeted RAID device. lliisstt vveerrssiioonniinnffoo List version information about the targeted RAID device. mmooddiiffyy ccoonnttrroolllleerr [arguments listed below] This will allow the user to modify specific attributes of the targeted controller.



mmooddiiffyy ddrriivvee [arguments listed below] This will allow the user to modify specific attributes of the targeted drive.

-addglobalspare -d [-Y | -N]

-removeglobalspare -d

-addlocalspare -d -r [-Y | -N]

-removelocalspare -d

-adopt -d

mmooddiiffyy rraaiiddsseett [arguments listed below] This will allow the user to modify specific attributes of the targeted RAIDSet.

-addcapacity -n -d [-Y | -N] [-W]

-addmirror -n -d [-Y | -N] [-W]

-migratetoraid5 -n -d [-Y | -N] [-W]

-verify -n -p [-W]

mmooddiiffyy vvoolluummee [arguments listed below] This will allow the user to modify specific attributes of the targeted volume.

-expand -n [-r ] -s [-W]

-move -n [-r ] -t

Set> [-W]

-rewrite -n [-r ] -p


-verify -n [-r ] -p


NNOOTTEE:: Valid values for are: low, medium, high. EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS

raidutil create raidset -n set2 -d 1,2 -r J+

This creates a RAIDSet named "set2", using the drives in bays one and two, with a raid level of "Enhanced JBOD."

raidutil create volume -n volume1 -r set1 -s 1.5T

This creates a volume named "volume1", on the RAIDSet named "set1". The size of the volume will be 1.5 tebibytes.

raidutil modify volume -n volume1 -move -r set1 -t set2 -waitfortask

This moves the volume named "volume1", from the RAIDSet named "set1". to the RAIDSet named "set2". The program will wait for the verification task to complete before proceeding.

raidutil delete raidset -n setX

This deletes a RAIDSet named "setX." Any volumes associated with this RAIDSet will also be destroyed.

raidutil delete raidset -n setX -force

Regardless of whether there are any mounted file systems associ-

ated with this group, this command deletes a RAIDSet named "setX." Any volumes associated with this group will also be destroyed.

raidutil delete volume -n myVolume

This deletes a volume named "myVolume."

raidutil delete volume -n myVolume -r BigRAIDSet

This specifically deletes a volume named "myVolume," that exists on the RAIDSet named BigRAIDSet.

raidutil delete volume -n myVolume:BigRAIDSet

This specifically deletes a volume named "myVolume," that exists on the group named BigRAIDSet. Make note that this example uses a method of overloading the volume name with the group name in order to specify the group.

raidutil list devices

This will print out a list of all known RAID devices.

raidutil list version

This will print out version information for the RAID device. CCOOMMPPAATTIIBBIILLIITTYY SSppeecciiffyyiinngg vvoolluummeess

When performing certain actions, it may be desirable to explicitly spec-

ify the group that a volume is built upon. For example, when removing a volume, one might want to specify the associated group for clarity. In

these cases, an optional argument is generally available for this pur-

pose. An example of this is:

# raidutil delete volume -n myVolume -r theBigRAIDSet

A shortcut exists whereby the RAIDSet may be specified as a suffix to the volume name. For example, this is equivelent to the previous command:

# raidutil delete volume -n myVolume:theBigRAIDSet

The RAIDSet name is simply added to the volume name using the colon char-

acter as a separator. This shortcut is supported by all of the "modify volume" actions. SSppeecciiffyyiinngg SSiizzeess When specifying data that indicates a numeric size, the value will be assumed to be expressed in mebibytes (MiB) unless otherwise indicated. A mebibyte is a unit similar to a megabyte (MB). Historically there has

been some confusion as to the correct value of a megabyte. It was some-

times assumed to be exactly one million, or ten raised to the power of six. Other times, it was assumed to be 1,048,576 bytes, or two raised to the power of twenty. In 1998, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) addressed this issue by defining the mebibyte. A mebibyte is the value of 1,048,576 bytes, whereas the definition for a megabyte is still vague. For our purposes, we will treat all size units as 1024 based numbers. We

will allow the user to use the historically prevalent two character nota-

tion (KB, MB, GB, TB, and PB) but they will be treated as their more mod-

ern counterparts (KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, and PiB). Values may be expressed in bytes by ending the value with the letter "B".

Other units for measure storage space follow suit, as shown by the fol-

lowing table: kibibyte (KiB) 2^10 = 1024 bytes mebibyte (MiB) 2^20 = 1024 * 1024 bytes gibibyte (GiB) 2^30 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes tebibyte (TiB) 2^40 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes pebibyte (PiB) 2^50 = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 bytes For the purposes of entering size information to this program, the default units are mebibytes (MiB). This program will support values expressed in the following units. Acceptable abbreviations are listed after the name:

one byte = 1B -- B

kibibyte = 1024B -- K, KB, KiB

mebibyte = 1024K -- M, MB, MiB

gibibyte = 1024M -- G, GB, GiB

tebibyte = 1024G -- T, TB, TiB

pebibyte = 1024T -- P, PB, PiB

For example, each of the following commands will all create a volume named "theVolume" with a size of 600 mebibytes, on the RAIDSet named "RAIDSet":

# raidutil create volume -n theVolume -s 614400K -r RAIDSet-A

# raidutil create volume -n theVolume -s 600 -r RAIDSet

# raidutil create volume -n theVolume -s 600M -r RAIDSet

# raidutil create volume -n theVolume -s 0.5859375GiB -r RAIDSet

# raidutil create volume -n theVolume -s 0.00057220459Ti -r RAIDSet

# raidutil create volume -n theVolume -s 0.000000558793545P -r

RAIDSet SSppeecciiaall SSiizzee VVaalluueess FFoorr CCrreeaattiinngg VVoolluummeess In place of a numeric value, the user may provide the word all. When this is done the program will attempt to use the maximum valid value. For example, the following command would create a volume named "BigVolume", on the RAIDSet named "BigRAIDSet", using all available space on that RAIDSet:

# raidutil create volume -n BigVolume -s all -r BigRAIDSet

Similarly, the user may provide a value that indicates a percentage of available space. This is done by providing a numeric value between 1 and

100 that is followed by the `%' character. For example, the following

command would create a volume named "BigVolume", on the RAIDSet named "BigRAIDSet", using all available space on that RAIDSet:

# raidutil create volume -n BigVolume -s 100% -r BigRAIDSet

The following command would create a volume named "MyVolume", on the RAIDSet named "MyRAIDSet", using one fifth of all available space on that RAIDSet:

# raidutil create volume -n MyVolume -s 20% -r MyRAIDSet

It should be noted that, all percentage values are rounded down to the

nearest whole number. Thus, 33.333% becomes 33%, and 17.9321% becomes

17%. Computed values are based on the RAIDSet available capacity


NOTE: The use of mebibyte and related units is strongly endorsed by IEC,

IEEE and CIPM. The mebibyte and related units are defined in the IEC

document IEC 60027-1.

EEXXIITT SSTTAATTUUSS The rraaiidduuttiill utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


diskutil(8), hdid(8), hdiutil(1), ufs.util(8), msdos.util(8), hfs.util(8), drutil(1), diskarbitrationd(8) Mac OS March 16, 2007 Mac OS

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