Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man radiusconfig

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man radiusconfig

radiusconfig(8) BSD System Manager's Manual radiusconfig(8)


rraaddiiuussccoonnffiigg - tool to configure radiusd


rraaddiiuussccoonnffiigg command [command-options] [-qq]


rraaddiiuussccoonnffiigg is a utility for configuring radiusd and its configuration files. It must be run by root. UUSSAAGGEE

-qq Suppress prompts.



Returns configuration data from radiusd.conf and eap.conf in plist for-



Returns configuration data from radiusd.conf and eap.conf in xml plist format.


Returns the number of RADIUS clients.

-nnaasslliisstt [-with-status]

Returns the list of RADIUS clients in plist format. If the -with-status

option is used, an IMCP ping is sent to each client and the responses, or lack thereof, are included in the results.

-nnaasslliissttxxmmll [-with-status]

Returns the list of RADIUS clients in xml plist format. If the -with-

status option is used, an IMCP ping is sent to each client and the responses, or lack thereof, are included in the results.


Print usage information.


Displays version information. SSeettuupp

---ccaappttuurree-bbaassee-ssttaattiioonn base-station-IP primary-RADIUS-IP [secondary=IP]

[wpa-key-timeout=minutes] [wait-for-restart]

Pairs an Airport Base Station to a RADIUS server. The shared secret is set in the RADIUS client database and on the base station.


Changes eap.conf to contain a commented-out TLS section.


Changes eap.conf to contain an active TLS section.

-iinnssttaallllcceerrttss private-key certificate [trusted-ca-list [yes | no


Changes eap.conf to contain an active TLS section and configures the cer-

tificates. The yes or no option specifies whether or not to check a cer-

tificate revocation list. The random file is replaced and the dh file is created if absent.

-aaddddcclliieenntt nas-name shortname [type]

Adds a client.

-iimmppoorrttcclliieennttss xml-plist-file

Imports a list of clients from a file.

-rreemmoovveecclliieenntt nas-name [nas-name ...]

Removes a client.

-sseettccoonnffiigg key value [key value ...]

Sets parameters in the radiusd.conf and eap.conf files.

-sseettggrroouupp nas-name group-name

Assigns an access control group for a specific client of the RADIUS server.

-rroottaatteelloogg [-nn file-count] base-file

Preserves file-count log files.

-aauuttoorroottaatteelloogg [on | off | status] [-nn file-count]

Configures a periodic task to rotate the radius logs on a daily basis.

-ggeettssssiidd host

Queries the base station at the host address for its WiFi network name (SSID).


Tells launchd to keep RADIUS running.


Disables RADIUS in launchd. FILES


/etc/raddb/eap.conf /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf


radiusd(8) MacOSX December 21, 2019 MacOSX

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