Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man racoonctl

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man racoonctl

RACOONCTL(8) BSD System Manager's Manual RACOONCTL(8)


rraaccoooonnccttll - racoon administrative control tool


rraaccoooonnccttll reload-config

rraaccoooonnccttll show-schedule

rraaccoooonnccttll [-ll [-ll]] show-sa [isakmp|esp|ah|ipsec]

rraaccoooonnccttll flush-sa [isakmp|esp|ah|ipsec]

rraaccoooonnccttll delete-sa saopts

rraaccoooonnccttll establish-sa [-uu identity] saopts

rraaccoooonnccttll vpn-connect [-uu -iiddeennttiittyy] vpngateway

rraaccoooonnccttll vpn-disconnect vpngateway

rraaccoooonnccttll show-event [-ll]


rraaccoooonnccttll is used to control racoon(8) operation, if ipsec-tools was con-

figured with adminport support. Communication between rraaccoooonnccttll and racoon(8) is done through a UNIX socket. By changing the default mode

and ownership of the socket, you can allow non-root users to alter

racoon(8) behavior, so do that with caution. The following commands are available:


This should cause racoon(8) to reload its configuration file.

This seems completely broken at the time this man page is writ-



Unknown command.

show-sa [isakmp|esp|ah|ipsec]

Dump the SA: All the SAs if no SA class is provided, or either ISAKMP SAs, IPsec ESP SAs, IPsec AH SAs, or all IPsec SAs. Use

-ll to increase verbosity.

flush-sa [isakmp|esp|ah|ipsec]

is used to flush all SAs if no SA class is provided, or a class of SAs, either ISAKMP SAs, IPsec ESP SAs, IPsec AH SAs, or all IPsec SAs.

establish-sa [-uu username] saopts

Establish an SA, either an ISAKMP SA, IPsec ESP SA, or IPsec AH

SA. The optional -uu username can be used when establishing an

ISAKMP SA while hybrid auth is in use. rraaccoooonnccttll will prompt you for the password associated with username and these credentials will be used in the Xauth exchange. saopts has the following format: isakmp {inet|inet6} src dst {esp|ah} {inet|inet6} src/prefixlen/port dst/prefixlen/port {icmp|tcp|udp|any}

vpn-connect [-uu username] vpngateway

This is a particular case of the previous command. It will establish an ISAKMP SA with vpngateway.

delete-sa saopts

Delete an SA, either an ISAKMP SA, IPsec ESP SA, or IPsec AH SA.

vpn-disconnect vpngateway

This is a particular case of the previous command. It will kill all SAs associated with vpngateway.

show-event [-ll]

Dump all events reported by racoon(8), then quit. The -ll flag

causes rraaccoooonnccttll to not stop once all the events have been read, but rather to loop awaiting and reporting new events. Command shortcuts are available:

rc reload-config

ss show-sa

sc show-schedule

fs flush-sa

ds delete-sa

es establish-sa

vc vpn-connect

vd vpn-disconnect

se show-event


The command should exit with 0 on success, and non-zero on errors.

FILES /var/racoon/racoon.sock or /var/run/racoon.sock racoon(8) control socket.


ipsec(4), racoon(8) HISTORY Once was kkmmppssttaatt in the KAME project. It turned into rraaccoooonnccttll but remained undocumented for a while. Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote this man page. BSD November 16, 2004 BSD

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