qqcc22mmoovviiee - Quartz Composer export tool
qqcc22mmoovviiee inCompositionPath|repositoryCompositionIdentifier outMoviePathwidth height duration [-parameterKey1 value1 ...]
qqcc22mmoovviiee is a tool that exports a Quartz Composer composition into a QuickTime movie by adding a track containing this composition. It is thecommand line equivalent of exporting a composition for the Quartz Com-
poser application to a QuickTime movie. OOPPTTIIOONNSS inCompositionPath|repositoryCompositionIdentifier specifies which composition you want to export. Ar inCompositionPath is the path to the composition.Ar repositoryCompositionIdentifier is the identi-
fier of a composition which lies in the Quartz Com-
poser Repository. outMoviePath specifies movie file path to which the composition will be exported to width defines the width of the export movie height defines the height of the export movie duration defines the length of the export movie[-parameterKey1 value1 ...]
passes composition specific parameters through the command line tool to the composition EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS-TToo ccrreeaattee aa 1100 sseeccoonndd QQuuiicckkTTiimmee mmoovviiee ccoonnttaaiinniinngg aa QQuuaarrttzz CCoommppoosseerr ttrraacckk
ooff tthhee PPaarrttiiccllee SSyysstteemm ccoommppoossiittiioonn::qc2movie "/Developer/Examples/Quartz Composer Compositions/Par-
ticle Systems/Particle System.qtz" ~/ 640 480 10-TToo mmeerrggee ttwwoo vviiddeeoo ttrraacckkss ((3300ss eeaacchh)) ttooggeetthheerr uussiinngg aann iimmaaggee ttrraannssiittiioonn
pprroottooccooll aabbiiddiinngg ccoommppoossiittiioonn ((SSwwiinngg ffoorr eexxaammppllee)) iinn tthhee QQuuaarrttzz CCoommppoosseerr RReeppoossiittoorryy ((uussiinngg iittss iiddeennttiiffiieerr:: //sswwiinngg))::qc2movie /swing ~/ 640 480 60 -input-
MoviePath1 ~/ -inputMoviePath2 ~/
-duration 2
-TToo aappppllyy aann iimmaaggee ffiilltteerr pprroottooccooll aabbiiddiinngg ccoommppoossiittiioonn ttoo tthhee vviiddeeoo ttrraacckk
ooff aa mmoovviiee::qc2movie /colorpencil ~/ 640 480 30 -input
~/Video.movSEE ALSO
pcastaction(1) Mac OS July 9 2007 Mac OS