Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pthread_setcancelstate

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pthread_setcancelstate



pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellssttaattee, pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellttyyppee, pptthhrreeaaddtteessttccaanncceell - set

cancelability state


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int pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellssttaattee(int state, int *oldstate); int pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellttyyppee(int type, int *oldtype); void pptthhrreeaaddtteessttccaanncceell(void);


The pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellssttaattee() function atomically both sets the calling

thread's cancelability state to the indicated state and returns the pre-

vious cancelability state at the location referenced by oldstate. Legal values for state are PTHREADCANCELENABLE and PTHREADCANCELDISABLE. The pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellttyyppee() function atomically both sets the calling

thread's cancelability type to the indicated type and returns the previ-

ous cancelability type at the location referenced by oldtype. Legal val-

ues for type are PTHREADCANCELDEFERRED and PTHREADCANCELASYNCHRONOUS. The cancelability state and type of any newly created threads, including the thread in which mmaaiinn() was first invoked, are PTHREADCANCELENABLE and PTHREADCANCELDEFERRED respectively. The pptthhrreeaaddtteessttccaanncceell() function creates a cancellation point in the

calling thread. The pptthhrreeaaddtteessttccaanncceell() function has no effect if can-

celability is disabled. CCaanncceellaabbiilliittyy SSttaatteess The cancelability state of a thread determines the action taken upon receipt of a cancellation request. The thread may control cancellation in a number of ways. Each thread maintains its own ``cancelability state'' which may be encoded in two bits:

Cancelability Enable When cancelability is PTHREADCANCELDISABLE, can-

cellation requests against the target thread are held pending. Cancelability Type When cancelability is enabled and the cancelability type is PTHREADCANCELASYNCHRONOUS, new or pending cancellation requests may be acted upon at any time. When cancelability is enabled and the cancelability type is PTHREADCANCELDEFERRED, cancellation requests are held pending until a cancellation point

(see below) is reached. If cancelability is disabled, the set-

ting of the cancelability type has no immediate effect as all

cancellation requests are held pending; however, once cancelabil-

ity is enabled again the new type will be in effect. CCaanncceellllaattiioonn PPooiinnttss Cancellation points will occur when a thread is executing the following functions: cclloossee(), ccrreeaatt(), ffccnnttll(), ffssyynncc(), mmssyynncc(), nnaannoosslleeeepp(), ooppeenn(), ppaauussee(), pptthhrreeaaddccoonnddttiimmeeddwwaaiitt(), pptthhrreeaaddccoonnddwwaaiitt(), pptthhrreeaaddjjooiinn(), pptthhrreeaaddtteessttccaanncceell(), rreeaadd(), ssiiggwwaaiittiinnffoo(), ssiiggssuussppeenndd(), ssiiggwwaaiitt(), sslleeeepp(), ssyysstteemm(), ttccddrraaiinn(), wwaaiitt(), wwaaiittppiidd(), wwrriittee().


If successful, the pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellssttaattee() and pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellttyyppee() functions will return zero. Otherwise, an error number shall be returned to indicate the error. The pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellssttaattee() and pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellttyyppee() functions are

used to control the points at which a thread may be asynchronously can-

celed. For cancellation control to be usable in modular fashion, some rules must be followed.

For purposes of this discussion, consider an object to be a generaliza-

tion of a procedure. It is a set of procedures and global variables written as a unit and called by clients not known by the object. Objects may depend on other objects. First, cancelability should only be disabled on entry to an object, never explicitly enabled. On exit from an object, the cancelability state should always be restored to its value on entry to the object. This follows from a modularity argument: if the client of an object (or

the client of an object that uses that object) has disabled cancelabil-

ity, it is because the client doesn't want to have to worry about how to clean up if the thread is canceled while executing some sequence of

actions. If an object is called in such a state and it enables cancela-

bility and a cancellation request is pending for that thread, then the

thread will be canceled, contrary to the wish of the client that dis-

abled. Second, the cancelability type may be explicitly set to either deferred or asynchronous upon entry to an object. But as with the cancelability state, on exit from an object that cancelability type should always be restored to its value on entry to the object.

Finally, only functions that are cancel-safe may be called from a thread

that is asynchronously cancelable. EERRRROORRSS The function pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellssttaattee() may fail with: [EINVAL] The specified state is not PTHREADCANCELENABLE or PTHREADCANCELDISABLE. The function pptthhrreeaaddsseettccaanncceellttyyppee() may fail with: [EINVAL] The specified state is not PTHREADCANCELDEFERRED or PTHREADCANCELASYNCHRONOUS.


pthreadcancel(3) STANDARDS

pptthhrreeaaddtteessttccaanncceell() conforms to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (``POSIX.1'').

AUTHORS This man page was written by David Leonard for the OpenBSD implementation of pthreadcancel(3). BSD January 17, 1999 BSD

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