pptthhrreeaaddsseettsscchheeddppaarraamm, pptthhrreeaaddggeettsscchheeddppaarraamm - thread scheduling parame-
ter manipulationSYNOPSIS
##iinncclluuddee <
int pptthhrreeaaddsseettsscchheeddppaarraamm(pthreadt thread, int policy, const struct schedparam *param); int pptthhrreeaaddggeettsscchheeddppaarraamm(pthreadt thread, int *policy, struct schedparam *param);> DESCRIPTION
The pptthhrreeaaddsseettsscchheeddppaarraamm() and pptthhrreeaaddggeettsscchheeddppaarraamm() functions set andget the scheduling parameters of individual threads. The scheduling pol-
icy for a thread can either be SCHEDFIFO (first in, first out) orSCHEDRR (round-robin). The thread priority (accessed via
param->schedpriority) must be at least PTHREADMINPRIORITY and no more
If successful, these functions return 0. Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error. EERRRROORRSS pptthhrreeaaddsseettsscchheeddppaarraamm() will fail if: [EINVAL] Invalid value for policy. [ENOTSUP] Invalid value for scheduling parameters.[ESRCH] Non-existent thread thread.
pptthhrreeaaddggeettsscchheeddppaarraamm() will fail if:[ESRCH] Non-existent thread thread.
STANDARDS pptthhrreeaaddsseettsscchheeddppaarraamm() and pptthhrreeaaddggeettsscchheeddppaarraamm() conform to Version 2 of the Single UNIX Specification (``SUSv2'') BSD May 1, 2000 BSD