ppssttooppddff - convert PostScript input into a PDF document.
ppssttooppddff [inputfile] [-oo outname] [-ll] [-pp] [-ii]
ppssttooppddff is a tool to convert PostScript input data into a PDF document. The input data may come from a file or may be read from stdin. The PDF document is always written to a file. The name of the output PDF file is derived from the name of the input file or may be explicitly named usingthe -o option.
Flags:-oo outname
The name of the output file to create. If an explicit file name is not supplied, the output file will be created in the current directory and named foo.pdf for an input file named Reads from stdin rather than a named input file. If the output
file is not explicitly named and the input data comes from stdin the named output file will be stdin.pdf-ll Specifies that any messages generated during file conversion be
written to a log file. For an output file named foo.pdf the gen-
erated log file is foo.pdf.log rather than generated to stdout. If there are no messages, the log file is not generated.-pp Generates a simple progress message to stdout at the end of each
page. Because conversion of complex or lengthy PostScript input can take time, it is sometimes useful to see that progress is being made. Progress messages are always written to stdout evenwhen the -l (log file) option is specified.
EEXXAAMMPPLLEESSpstopdf Creates a PDF file named inputfile.pdf from
the PostScript data in the input file inputfile.pspstopdf -i -o outputfilename Creates a PDF file named outputfilename
from the PostScript data read from stdin. Apple Computer, Inc. December 21, 2019 Apple Computer, Inc.