Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pselect

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pselect

PSELECT(3) BSD Library Functions Manual PSELECT(3)


ppsseelleecctt - synchronous I/O multiplexing a la POSIX.1g


Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


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int ppsseelleecctt(int nfds, fdset * restrict readfds, fdset * restrict writefds, fdset * restrict exceptfds, const struct timespec * restrict timeout, const sigsett * restrict newsigmask);


The ppsseelleecctt() function was introduced by IEEE Std 1003.1g-2000

(``POSIX.1'') as a slightly stronger version of select(2). The nfds,

readfds, writefds, and exceptfds arguments are all identical to the anal-

ogous arguments of sseelleecctt(). The timeout argument in ppsseelleecctt() points to a const struct timespec rather than the (modifiable) struct timeval used by sseelleecctt(); as in sseelleecctt(), a null pointer may be passed to indicate that ppsseelleecctt() should wait indefinitely. Finally, newsigmask specifies a signal mask which is set while waiting for input. When ppsseelleecctt() returns, the original signal mask is restored. See select(2) for a more detailed discussion of the semantics of this interface, and for macros used to manipulate the fdset data type. IIMMPPLLEEMMEENNTTAATTIIOONN NNOOTTEESS The ppsseelleecctt() function is implemented in the C library as a wrapper around sseelleecctt().


The ppsseelleecctt() function returns the same values and under the same condi-

tions as sseelleecctt(). EERRRROORRSS The ppsseelleecctt() function may fail for any of the reasons documented for select(2) and (if a signal mask is provided) sigprocmask(2).


kqueue(2), poll(2), select(2), sigprocmask(2) STANDARDS

The ppsseelleecctt() function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').

HISTORY The ppsseelleecctt() function first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS The ppsseelleecctt() function and this manual page were written by Garrett Wollman . BSD June 16, 2002 BSD

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