profiler - Tcl source code profiler
package require TTccll 88..33 package require pprrooffiilleerr ??00..22..22?? ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::iinniitt ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::dduummpp pattern ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::pprriinntt ?pattern? ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::rreesseett ?pattern? ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::ssuussppeenndd ?pattern? ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::rreessuummee ?pattern? ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::ssoorrttFFuunnccttiioonnss keyDESCRIPTION
The pprrooffiilleerr package provides a simple Tcl source code profiler. It is
a function-level profiler; that is, it collects only function-level
information, not the more detailed line-level information. It operates
by redefining the Tcl pprroocc command. Profiling is initiated via the ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::iinniitt command. CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::iinniitt Initiate profiling. All procedures created after this command is called will be profiled. To profile an entire application, this command must be called before any other commands. ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::dduummpp patternDump profiling information for the all functions matching pat-
tern. If no pattern is specified, information for all functions will be returned. The result is a list of key/value pairs that maps function names to information about that function. The information about each function is in turn a list of key/value pairs. The keys used and their values are: ttoottaallCCaallllss The total number of times functionName was called. ccaalllleerrDDiisstt A list of key/value pairs mapping each calling function that called functionName to the number of times it called functionName. ccoommppiilleeTTiimmee The runtime, in clock clicks, of functionName the first time that it was called. ttoottaallRRuunnttiimmee The sum of the runtimes of all calls of functionName. aavveerraaggeeRRuunnttiimmee Average runtime of functionName. ddeesscceennddaannttTTiimmee Sum of the time spent in descendants of functionName. aavveerraaggeeDDeesscceennddaannttTTiimmee Average time spent in descendants of functionName. ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::pprriinntt ?pattern? Print profiling information for all functions matching pattern. If no pattern is specified, information about all functions will be displayed. The return result is a human readable display of the profiling information. ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::rreesseett ?pattern? Reset profiling information for all functions matching pattern. If no pattern is specified, information will be reset for all functions. ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::ssuussppeenndd ?pattern? Suspend profiling for all functions matching pattern. If nopattern is specified, profiling will be suspended for all func-
tions. It stops gathering profiling information after this com-
mand is issued. However, it does not erase any profiling infor-
mation that has been gathered previously. Use resume command tore-enable profiling.
::::pprrooffiilleerr::::rreessuummee ?pattern?Resume profiling for all functions matching pattern. If no pat-
tern is specified, profiling will be resumed for all functions.This command should be invoked after suspending the profiler in
the code. ::::pprrooffiilleerr::::ssoorrttFFuunnccttiioonnss key Return a list of functions sorted by a particular profiling statistic. Supported values for key are: ccaallllss, eexxcclluussiivveeTTiimmee, ccoommppiilleeTTiimmee, nnoonnCCoommppiilleeTTiimmee, ttoottaallRRuunnttiimmee, aavvggEExxcclluussiivveeTTiimmee, and aavvggRRuunnttiimmee. The return result is a list of lists, where each sublist consists of a function name and the value of key for that function. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS performance, profile, speedprofiler 0.2.2 profiler(n)