Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man postkick

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man postkick



postkick - kick a Postfix service


ppoossttkkiicckk [-cc configdir] [-vv] class service request


The ppoossttkkiicckk command sends request to the specified service over a

local transport channel. This command makes Postfix private IPC acces-

sible for use in, for example, shell scripts. Options:

-cc configdir

Read the mmaaiinn..ccff configuration file in the named directory instead of the default configuration directory.

-vv Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Multiple -vv

options make the software increasingly verbose. Arguments: class Name of a class of local transport channel endpoints, either ppuubblliicc (accessible by any local user) or pprriivvaattee (administrative access only). service The name of a local transport endpoint within the named class. request

A string. The list of valid requests is service-specific.

DIAGNOSTICS Problems and transactions are logged to the standard error stream. ENVIRONMENT MMAAIILLCCOONNFFIIGG Directory with Postfix configuration files. MMAAIILLVVEERRBBOOSSEE Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS

The following mmaaiinn..ccff parameters are especially relevant to this pro-

gram. The text below provides only a parameter summary. See post-

conf(5) for more details including examples.

ccoonnffiiggddiirreeccttoorryy ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))

The default location of the Postfix and con-

figuration files. aapppplliiccaattiioonneevveennttddrraaiinnttiimmee ((110000ss))

How long the postkick(1) command waits for a request to enter

the server's input buffer before giving up.

qquueeuueeddiirreeccttoorryy ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))

The location of the Postfix top-level queue directory.

FILES /var/spool/postfix/private, private class endpoints /var/spool/postfix/public, public class endpoints


qmgr(8), queue manager trigger protocol pickup(8), local pickup daemon postconf(5), configuration parameters LLIICCEENNSSEE The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. AUTHOR(S) Wietse Venema IBM T.J. Watson Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA POSTKICK(1)

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