postconf - Postfix configuration utility
ppoossttccoonnff [-ddhhmmllnnvv] [-cc configdir] [parameter ...]
ppoossttccoonnff [-eevv] [-cc configdir] [parameter=value ...]
The ppoossttccoonnff command prints the actual value of parameter (all known parameters by default) one parameter per line, changes its value, or prints other information about the Postfix mail system. Options:-cc configdir
The mmaaiinn..ccff configuration file is in the named directory instead of the default configuration directory.-dd Print default parameter settings instead of actual settings.
-ee Edit the mmaaiinn..ccff configuration file. The file is copied to a
temporary file then renamed into place. Parameters and valuesare specified on the command line. Use quotes in order to pro-
tect shell metacharacters and whitespace.-hh Show parameter values only, not the ``name = '' label that nor-
mally precedes the value.-ll List the names of all supported mailbox locking methods. Post-
fix supports the following methods:fflloocckk A kernel-based advisory locking method for local files
only. This locking method is available only on systems with a BSD compatible library.ffccnnttll A kernel-based advisory locking method for local and
remote files. ddoottlloocckkAn application-level locking method. An application locks
a file named filename by creating a file named file-
name..lloocckk. The application is expected to remove its own lock file, as well as stale lock files that were left behind after abnormal termination.-mm List the names of all supported lookup table types. Postfix
lookup tables are specified as type::name, where type is one of the types listed below. The table name syntax depends on the lookup table type. bbttrreeee A sorted, balanced tree structure. This is available only on systems with support for Berkeley DB databases.cciiddrr A table that associates values with Classless Inter-
Domain Routing (CIDR) patterns. This is described in cciiddrrttaabbllee(5). ddbbmm An indexed file type based on hashing. This is available only on systems with support for DBM databases. eennvviirroonn The UNIX process environment array. The lookup key is thevariable name. Originally implemented for testing, some-
one may find this useful someday. hhaasshh An indexed file type based on hashing. This is available only on systems with support for Berkeley DB databases.llddaapp (read-only)
Perform lookups using the LDAP protocol. This is described in llddaappttaabbllee(5).mmyyssqqll (read-only)
Perform lookups using the MYSQL protocol. This is described in mmyyssqqllttaabbllee(5).ppccrree (read-only)
A lookup table based on Perl Compatible Regular Expres-
sions. The file format is described in ppccrreettaabbllee(5).ppggssqqll (read-only)
Perform lookups using the PostgreSQL protocol. This is described in ppggssqqllttaabbllee(5).pprrooxxyy (read-only)
A lookup table that is implemented via the Postfix pprrooxx-
yymmaapp(8) service. The table name syntax is type::name.rreeggeexxpp (read-only)
A lookup table based on regular expressions. The file format is described in rreeggeexxppttaabbllee(5).ssttaattiicc (read-only)
A table that always returns its name as lookup result.For example, ssttaattiicc::ffoooobbaarr always returns the string ffoooo-
bbaarr as lookup result.ttccpp (read-only)
Perform lookups using a simple request-reply protocol
that is described in tcptable(5). This feature is not included with Postfix 2.1.uunniixx (read-only)
A limited way to query the UNIX authentication database. The following tables are implemented: uunniixx::ppaasssswwdd..bbyynnaammee The table is the UNIX password database. The key is a login name. The result is a password file entry in passwd(5) format. uunniixx::ggrroouupp..bbyynnaammee The table is the UNIX group database. The key is a group name. The result is a group file entry in group(5) format. Other table types may exist depending on how Postfix was built.-nn Print parameter settings that are not left at their built-in
default value, because they are explicitly specified in Enable verbose logging for debugging purposes. Multiple -vv
options make the software increasingly verbose. DIAGNOSTICS Problems are reported to the standard error stream. ENVIRONMENT MMAAIILLCCOONNFFIIGG Directory with Postfix configuration files. CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSSThe following mmaaiinn..ccff parameters are especially relevant to this pro-
gram.The text below provides only a parameter summary. See postconf(5) for
more details including examples.ccoonnffiiggddiirreeccttoorryy ((sseeee ''ppoossttccoonnff -dd'' oouuttppuutt))
The default location of the Postfix and con-
figuration files. FILES /etc/postfix/, Postfix configuration parametersSEE ALSO
postconf(5), configuration parameters
README FILES Use "ppoossttccoonnff rreeaaddmmeeddiirreeccttoorryy" or "ppoossttccoonnff hhttmmllddiirreeccttoorryy" to locate this information. DATABASEREADME, Postfix lookup table overview LLIICCEENNSSEE The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software. AUTHOR(S) Wietse Venema IBM T.J. Watson Research P.O. Box 704 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA POSTCONF(1)