mmeennuuppoosstt - write or erase menus from associated subwindows
##iinncclluuddee <
int postmenu(MENU *menu); int unpostmenu(MENU *menu);> DESCRIPTION
The function ppoossttmmeennuu displays a menu to its associated subwindow. Totrigger physical display of the subwindow, use rreeffrreesshh or some equiva-
lent ccuurrsseess routine (the implicit ddoouuppddaattee triggered by an ccuurrsseess input request will do). ppoossttmmeennuu resets the selection status of all items. The function uunnppoossttmmeennuu erases menu from its associated subwindow. RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE These routines return one of the following: EEOOKK The routine succeeded. EESSYYSSTTEEMMEERRRROORR System error occurred (see eerrrrnnoo). EEBBAADDAARRGGUUMMEENNTTRoutine detected an incorrect or out-of-range argument.
EEPPOOSSTTEEDD The menu has already been posted. EEBBAADDSSTTAATTEE Routine was called from an initialization or termination function. EENNOORROOOOMM Menu is too large for its window. You should consider to use sseettmmeennuuffoorrmmaatt(()) to solve the problem. EENNOOTTPPOOSSTTEEDD The menu has not been posted. EENNOOTTCCOONNNNEECCTTEEDD No items are connected to the menu.SEE ALSO
ccuurrsseess(3X), mmeennuu(3X). NNOOTTEESS The header file <> automatically includes the header file < >. PPOORRTTAABBIILLIITTYY These routines emulate the System V menu library. They were not sup-
ported on Version 7 or BSD versions. AUTHORS Juergen Pfeifer. Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S. Raymond. menupost(3X)