ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseettssppeecciiaallppoorrttnnpp ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseetteexxcceeppttiioonnppoorrttssnnpp -
set or get the spawn-binpref attribute on a posixspawnattrt
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int ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseettssppeecciiaallppoorrttnnpp(posixspawnattrt *attr, machportt newport, int which); int ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseetteexxcceeppttiioonnppoorrttssnnpp(posixspawnattrt *attr, exceptionmaskt mask, machportt newport, exceptionbehaviort behavior, threadstateflavort flavor); IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT These functions represent an Apple extension to posixspawn(2) and posixspawnp(2), and as such should not be used by programs intending their code to be portable to other platforms.> DESCRIPTION
The ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseettssppeecciiaallppoorrttnnpp() function sets a new value for aMach special port into the value referenced by attr to the port refer-
enced by newport for a port value of which, as if the new process had called ttaasskksseettssppeecciiaallppoorrtt(). The ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseetteexxcceeppttiioonnppoorrttssnnpp() function sets the Mach port to newport for a number of exception ports represented by the bitfield mask, and sets the new default behavior and default flavor, as if the new process had called ttaasskksseetteexxcceeppttiioonnppoorrttss().RETURN VALUES
On success, these functions return 0; on failure they return an error number from. EERRRROORRSS These functions may fail if: [EINVAL] The value specified by attr is invalid. [EINVAL] The value of attr is invalid. [ENOMEM] Insufficient resources exist to set the ports. SEE ALSO
posixspawn(2), posixspawnp(2), posixspawnattrinit(3), posixspawnattrdestroy(3) STANDARDS Nonstandard HISTORY The ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseettssppeecciiaallppoorrttnnpp() and ppoossiixxssppaawwnnaattttrrsseetteexxcceeppttiioonnppoorrttssnnpp() function calls appeared in Mac OS X. Mac OS X August 22, 2007 Mac OS X