Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pool

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pool

pool(n) Tcl Data Structures pool(n)


pool - Create and manipulate pool objects (of discrete items)


package require TTccll 88..22 package require ssttrruucctt ??11..33??

::::ssttrruucctt::::ppooooll ?poolName? ?maxsize?

ppoooollNNaammee option ?arg arg ...?

poolName aadddd itemName1 ?itemName2 itemName3 ...?

poolName cclleeaarr ?-ffoorrccee?

poolName ddeessttrrooyy ?-ffoorrccee?

poolName iinnffoo type ?arg?

poolName mmaaxxssiizzee ?maxsize?

poolName rreelleeaassee itemName

poolName rreemmoovvee itemName ?-ffoorrccee?

poolName rreeqquueesstt itemVar ?options?


This package provides pool objects which can be used to manage finite

collections of discrete items.

::::ssttrruucctt::::ppooooll ?poolName? ?maxsize?

Creates a new pool object. If no poolName is supplied, then the

new pool will be named poolXX, where X is a positive integer.

The optional second argument maxsize has to be a positive inte-

ger indicating the maximum size of the pool; this is the maximum

number of items the pool may hold. The default for this value is


The pool object has an associated global Tcl command whose name

is poolName. This command may be used to invoke various configu-

ration operations on the report. It has the following general form: ppoooollNNaammee option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. See section PPOOOOLL OOBBJJEECCTT CCOOMMMMAANNDD for a detailed list of options and their behaviour. PPOOOOLLSS AANNDD AALLLLOOCCAATTIIOONN

The purpose of the pool command and the pool object command that it

generates, is to manage pools of discrete items. Examples of a pool of

discrete items are:

+o the seats in a cinema, theatre, train etc.. for which visi-

tors/travelers can make a reservation;

+o the dynamic IP-addresses that an ISP can dole out to sub-


+o a car rental's collection of cars, which can be rented by cus-


+o the class rooms in a school building, which need to be sched-


+o the database connections available to client-threads in a web-

server application; +o the books in a library that customers can borrow; +o etc ... The common denominator in the examples is that there is a more or less

fixed number of items (seats, IP-addresses, cars, ...) that are sup-

posed to be allocated on a more or less regular basis. An item can be allocated only once at a time. An item that is allocated, must be

released before it can be re-allocated. While several items in a pool

are being allocated and released continuously, the total number of

items in the pool remains constant.

Keeping track of which items are allocated, and by whom, is the purpose

of the pool command and its subordinates.

Pool parlance: If we say that an item is allocated, it means that the item is busy, owned or occupied; it is not available anymore. If an item is free, it is available. Deallocating an item is equivalent to setting free or releasing an item. The person or entity to which the item has been allotted is said to own the item. IITTEEMMSS Discrete items The ppooooll command is designed for discrete items only. Note that there

are pools where allocation occurs on a non-discrete basis, for example

computer memory. There are also pools from which the shares that are

doled out are not expected to be returned, for example a charity fund or a pan of soup from which you may receive a portion. Finally, there

are even pools from which nothing is ever allocated or returned, like a

swimming pool or a cesspool.

Unique item names

A pool cannot manage duplicate item names. Therefore, items in a pool

must have unique names. Item equivalence

From the point of view of the manager of a pool, items are equivalent.

The manager of a pool is indifferent about which entity/person occupies

a given item. However, clients may have preferences for a particular item, based on some item property they know. Preferences A future owner may have a preference for a particular item. Preference

based allocation is supported (see the -pprreeffeerr option to the request

subcommand). A preference for a particular item is most likely to result from variability among features associated with the items. Note

that the pool commands themselves are not designed to manage such item

properties. If item properties play a role in an application, they should be managed separately. PPOOOOLL OOBBJJEECCTT CCOOMMMMAANNDD The following subcommands and corresponding arguments are available to

any pool object command.

poolName aadddd itemName1 ?itemName2 itemName3 ...?

This command adds the items on the command line to the pool. If

duplicate item names occur on the command line, an error is

raised. If one or more of the items already exist in the pool,

this also is considered an error.

poolName cclleeaarr ?-ffoorrccee?

Removes all items from the pool. If there are any allocated

items at the time when the command is invoked, an error is

raised. This behaviour may be modified through the -ffoorrccee argu-

ment. If it is supplied on the command line, the pool will be

cleared regardless the allocation state of its items.

poolName ddeessttrrooyy ?-ffoorrccee?

Destroys the pool data structure, all associated variables and

the associated pool object command. By default, the command

checks whether any items are still allocated and raises an error if such is the case. This behaviour may be modified through the

argument -ffoorrccee. If it is supplied on the command line, the pool

data structure will be destroyed regardless allocation state of its items.

poolName iinnffoo type ?arg?

Returns various information about the pool for further program-

matic use. The type argument indicates the type of information requested. Only the type aallllooccIIDD uses an additional argument. aallllooccIIDD itemName returns the allocID of the item whose name is itemName.

Free items have an allocation id of -11.


returns a list of all items in the pool.


Returns a list of key-value pairs, where the keys are the

items and the values are the corresponding allocation

id's. Free items have an allocation id of -11.


returns the current pool size, i.e. the number of items

in the pool.

ffrreeeeiitteemmss returns a list of items that currently are not allocated. mmaaxxssiizzee

returns the maximum size of the pool.

poolName mmaaxxssiizzee ?maxsize?

Sets or queries the maximum size of the pool, depending on

whether the maxsize argument is supplied or not. If maxsize is

supplied, the maximum size of the pool will be set to that

value. If no argument is supplied, the current maximum size of

the pool is returned. In this variant, the command is an alias

for: ppoooollNNaammee iinnffoo mmaaxxssiizzee. The maxsize argument has to be a positive integer.

poolName rreelleeaassee itemName

Releases the item whose name is itemName that was allocated pre-

viously. An error is raised if the item was not allocated at the time when the command was issued.

poolName rreemmoovvee itemName ?-ffoorrccee?

Removes the item whose name is itemName from the pool. If the

item was allocated at the time when the command was invoked, an error is raised. This behaviour may be modified through the

optional argument -ffoorrccee. If it is supplied on the command line,

the item will be removed regardless its allocation state.

poolName rreeqquueesstt itemVar ?options?

Handles a request for an item, taking into account a possible

preference for a particular item. There are two possible out-

comes depending on the availability of items: [1] The request is honoured, an item is allocated and the variable whose name is passed with the argument itemVar will be set to the name of the item that was allocated. The command returns 1. [2] The request is denied. No item is allocated. The variable

whose name is itemVar is not set. Attempts to read item-

Var may raise an error if the variable was not defined before issuing the request. The command returns 0. The return values from this command are meant to be inspected. The examples below show how to do this. Failure to check the return value may result in erroneous behaviour. If no preference for a particular

item is supplied through the option -pprreeffeerr (see below), then all

requests are honoured as long as items are available. The following options are supported:

-aallllooccIIDD allocID

If the request is honoured, an item will be allocated to the entity identified by allocID. If the allocation state of an item is queried, it is this allocation ID that will

be returned. If the option -aallllooccIIDD is not supplied, the

item will be given to and owned by dduummmmyyIIDD. Allocation

id's may be anything except the value -1, which is

reserved for free items.

-pprreeffeerr preferredItem

This option modifies the allocation strategy as follows: If the item whose name is preferredItem is not allocated at the time when the command is invoked, the request is honoured (return value is 1). If the item was allocated at the time when the command was invoked, the request is denied (return value is 0). EEXXAAMMPPLLEESS

Two examples are provided. The first one mimics a step by step interac-

tive tclsh session, where each step is explained. The second example

shows the usage in a server application that talks to a back-end appli-

cation. Example 1 This example presents an interactive tclsh session which considers the case of a Car rental's collection of cars. Ten steps explain its usage

in chronological order, from the creation of the pool, via the most

important stages in the usage of a pool, to the final destruction.

Note aside:

In this example, brand names are used to label the various items. How-

ever, a brand name could be regarded as a property of an item. Because

the pool command is not designed to manage properties of items, they

need to be managed separately. In the latter case the items should be labeled with more neutral names such as: car1, car2, car3 , etc ... and a separate database or array should hold the brand names associated with the car labels. 1. Load the package into an interpreter

% package require pool


2. Create a pool object called `CarPool' with a maximum size of 55 items (cars):

% pool CarPool 55


4. Add items to the pool:

% CarPool add Toyota Trabant Chrysler1 Chrysler2 Volkswagen

5. Somebody crashed the Toyota. Remove it from the pool as follows:

% CarPool remove Toyota

6. Acquired a new car for the pool. Add it as follows:

% CarPool add Nissan

7. Check whether the pool was adjusted correctly:

% CarPool info allitems

Trabant Chrysler1 Chrysler2 Volkswagen Nissan Suspend the interactive session temporarily, and show the programmatic use of the request subcommand:

# Mrs. Swift needs a car. She doesn't have a preference for a

# particular car. We'll issue a request on her behalf as follows:

if { [CarPool request car -allocID "Mrs. Swift"] } {

# request was honoured, process the variable `car'

puts "$car has been allocated to [CarPool info allocID $car]."

} else {

# request was denied

puts "No car available." }

Note how the iiff command uses the value returned by the rreeqquueesstt subcom-


# Suppose Mr. Wiggly has a preference for the Trabant:

if { [CarPool request car -allocID "Mr. Wiggly" -prefer Trabant] } {

# request was honoured, process the variable `car'

puts "$car has been allocated to [CarPool info allocID $car]."

} else {

# request was denied

puts "The Trabant was not available." } Resume the interactive session: 8. When the car is returned then you can render it available by:

% CarPool release Trabant

9. When done, you delete the pool.

% CarPool destroy

Couldn't destroy `CarPool' because some items are still allocated. Oops, forgot that Mrs. Swift still occupies a car.

10. We force the destruction of the pool as follows:

% CarPool destroy -force

Example 2

This example describes the case from which the author's need for pool

management originated. It is an example of a server application that receives requests from client applications. The client requests are

dispatched onto a back-end application before being returned to the

client application. In many cases there are a few equivalent instances

of back-end applications to which a client request may be passed along.

The file descriptors that identify the channels to these back-end

instances make up a pool of connections. A particular connection may be

allocated to just one client request at a time.

# Create the pool of connections (pipes)

set maxpipes 10

pool Pipes $maxpipes

for {set i 0} {$i < $maxpipes} {incr i} {

set fd {open "|backendApplication" w+}

Pipes add $fd


# A client request comes in. The request is identified as `clientX'.

# Dispatch it onto an instance of a back-end application

if { [Pipes request fd -allocID clientX] } {

# a connection was allocated

# communicate to the back-end application via the variable `fd'

puts $fd "someInstruction"

# ...... etc.

} else {

# all connections are currently occupied

# store the client request in a queue for later processing,

# or return a 'Server busy' message to the client.


discrete items, finite, pool, struct

COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002, Erik Leunissen

struct 1.2.1 pool(n)

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