Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pieperipherallabeler

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man pieperipherallabeler

piePeripheralLabeler(n) piePeripheralLabeler class piePeripheralLabeler(n)


piePeripheralLabeler - tkpiechart pie peripheral style labeler class


ssttoooooopp::::nneeww ppiieePPeerriipphheerraallLLaabbeelleerr canvas ?options? sswwiittcchheedd::::ccoonnffiigguurree piePeripheralLabelerObject ?options? sswwiittcchheedd::::ccggeett piePeripheralLabelerObject option


The pie peripheral style labeler object is used as a slice label placer

for a ppiiee object and is passed to the pie constructor via its -llaabbeelleerr

option (see the ppiiee class manual). The slice description text labels are arranged in 2 columns below the pie graphics, whereas the slice values are placed next to the slice and actually follow the slice as the pie is updated. Each description label text is placed to the right of a rectangle, the background color of

which matches its corresponding slice. Each description label is actu-

ally a canvasLabel object.

There is no need to delete a ppiieePPeerriipphheerraallLLaabbeelleerr object as it is auto-

matically handled by the pie class. ssttoooooopp::::nneeww ppiieePPeerriipphheerraallLLaabbeelleerr canvas ?options?

Creates a piePeripheralLabeler object in the specified Tk can-

vas. The piePeripheralLabeler object identifier is returned (refered to as piePeripheralLabelerObject in this document). sswwiittcchheedd::::ccoonnffiigguurree piePeripheralLabelerObject ?options? Configures a piePeripheralLabeler object or returns all the options with their current values if no options are passed as parameters. sswwiittcchheedd::::ccggeett piePeripheralLabelerObject option Returns an option value for the specified piePeripheralLabeler object. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-ffoonntt value

Specifies a font for the slice labels. If not specified, the default font is system dependent.

-jjuussttiiffyy value

Specifies how to justify labels within their own column. Must be one of left, center or right. Defaults to left. For example, if justification is right, all column labels right edges are aligned.

-ooffffsseett value

Specifies the distance between the pie graphics and the closest slice label. This value may be specified in any of the forms described in the ccaannvvaass COORDINATES manual section.


Specifies a font for the slice values. It is usually a small font in order to avoid values overlapping when 2 slices are very close to each other. If not specified, the description label

font (-ffoonntt option) is used.


Specifies a string of maximum width for slice values (placed

around the pie next to the slices), so that enough room is allo-

cated for these value labels when the pie width and height are set. It defaults to 00.0. For example, it could be set to "00.00


TTAAGGSS The labeler has the following specific tag (see the ccaannvvaass manual page ITEM IDS AND TAGS section for more information): +opiePeripheralLabeler(piePeripheralLabelerObject)


canvasLabel, pie, pieBoxLabeler KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS canvas, labeler, pie, slice COPYRIGHT

Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Jean-Luc Fontaine

tkpiechart 6.6 piePeripheralLabeler(n)

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