pieBoxLabeler - tkpiechart pie box style labeler class
ssttoooooopp::::nneeww ppiieeBBooxxLLaabbeelleerr canvas ?options? sswwiittcchheedd::::ccoonnffiigguurree pieBoxLabelerObject ?options? sswwiittcchheedd::::ccggeett pieBoxLabelerObject optionDESCRIPTION
The pie box style labeler object is used as a slice label placer for appiiee object and is passed to the pie constructor via its -llaabbeelleerr option
(see the ppiiee class manual). The labels are arranged in 2 columns below the pie graphics. Each label text is placed to the right of a rectangle, the background color of which matches its corresponding slice. The slice share value is placed to the right of the label text, separated by a semicolon. Each label is actually a canvasLabel object (see the ccaannvvaassLLaabbeell class manual for further information).There is no need to delete a ppiieeBBooxxLLaabbeelleerr object as it is automati-
cally handled by the pie class. ssttoooooopp::::nneeww ppiieeBBooxxLLaabbeelleerr canvas ?options? Creates a pieBoxLabeler object in the specified Tk canvas. The pieBoxLabeler object identifier is returned (referred to as pieBoxLabelerObject in this document). sswwiittcchheedd::::ccoonnffiigguurree pieBoxLabelerObject ?options? Configures a pieBoxLabeler object or returns all the optionswith their current values if no options are passed as parame-
ters. sswwiittcchheedd::::ccggeett pieBoxLabelerObject option Returns an option value for the specified pieBoxLabeler object. OOPPTTIIOONNSS-ffoonntt value
Specifies a font for the slice labels. If not specified, the default font is system dependent.-jjuussttiiffyy value
Specifies how to justify labels within their own column. Must be one of left, center or right. Defaults to left. For example, if justification is right, all column labels right edges are aligned.-ooffffsseett value
Specifies the distance between the pie graphics and the closest slice label. This value may be specified in any of the forms described in the ccaannvvaass COORDINATES manual section. TTAAGGSS The labeler has the following specific tag (see the ccaannvvaass manual page ITEM IDS AND TAGS section for more information): +opieBoxLabeler(pieBoxLabelerObject)SEE ALSO
canvasLabel, pie, piePeripheralLabeler KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS canvas, labeler, pie, slice COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 1995-2004 Jean-Luc Fontaine
tkpiechart 6.6 pieBoxLabeler(n)